The Word of God in Romania 1994.06.26 - The Word of God on the Sunday of all | Page 10

1994.06.26 son. You should love Him. And how should you love Him? To love Him means to listen to Him and not Him to listen to you. To love Him means to give Him your heart, your soul, your virtue and your mind. Give them all to Him, and He will give them back to you according to His will, not according to your will. Here is what it means to love your neighbor as yourself. You should love the Lord in you, and you should love the Lord in your neighbor as well. You should love the Lord in your neighbor and not otherwise, My people. Behold, the Verginica’s day into the midst of the saints of the heaven. It was the Sunday of all saints on the day of Verginica’s birth. This is how I wanted at her birth; to please the saints, who have been waiting for their redemption for seven thousand years. I do no longer give her the word, as I still am into your people, Israel; there are other people sneaked into your people, who do not understand that those from heaven are alive forever; who do not understand that those who are Mine, will be alive if they leave their body. Verginica is on My right, because she was My word, and she is My word. Who was a prophet remains a prophet. Who was a shepherd remains a shepherd. Who was alive in the body, remains alive forever and works forever. But I also have grumblers, who have found shelter into your midst, My people, grumblers who can hardly believe in My word. They struggle to believe, but the unbelief is great in the world. And if those that are into your midst touched by the world struggle with unbelief behold, Verginica does not want to let her word. She is happy if she is with Me in your midst, My people. She is great among the saints, and she is loved and honored, as she came from the great tribulation of the time in the end, as she carried My work from the end. She will be with her word when you will be less in counted number, but she cannot work now for unbelief. Everything is possible to those that are faithful, but to the unfaithful is hard, sons. All the saints sustain you, Israel; all carry you to Me, and you should know how to intercede among them with Me, as I have you great, My people, and the saints know your greatness and your grace. May you be blessed with a blessing of the holy saints and with Verginica’s blessing, (Saint Virginia, the sixth apocalyptic trumpet - See the selection topic: „The apocalyptic trumpets”, r.n.) which is celebrated by Me and heaven and by you, My people! May you be blessed forever, Israel! You should love the Lord, your God, as your Lord teaches you, not as the man teaches you, son. You are the Lord’s people, the blessed people. May you be blessed, Israel gathered together today, and you, Israel, who will be gathered together tomorrow, as tomorrow you will be great, and I will have wedding guests at your wedding with Me. Peace to you, My loved Israel! The word of Verginica longs to sit in counsel with the faithful sons. She knows by her spirit those that long for her word, but Verginica uses the heavenly foreseeing; she foresees things and does not give her word now, because of the disbelief, which is nestled into your people, Israel, but she does not rejoice over you, and the celebration of this godly work is a great joy for Me and for her. This work as long as forty years is entered into its celebra- tion. Three years of celebration has been fulfilled. There is still a little bit of time and we will celebrate three years from the laying down of the foundation stone of the visible work. It is a celebration of the New Jerusalem into your midst, My people. It has been three years of celebra- tion, and the celebration goes on and on until your day of rest, and it will be more every day to love the Lord, your God, Israel, as I love you and I glorify Myself into your midst; and many 10