The Word of God in Romania 1993.08.28 - The Word of God at the feast of the A | Page 13
− Peace to you sons! If there is here a son of the world, he can also say as other sons of
the world said, who spoke about you that you speak with the dead.
Peace to you, those that are alive, who believe in God’s miracles coming down during this
time! As the Lord, Who is alive and works over all the ages, I am alive and work as well, as I was
a godly tool, made out by God, and I did not do what I wanted, as the people without God did, and
I stayed under the will of the One Who made me, to be His tool, trumpet and tabernacle, and to
raise sons from sons, to come then within those from heaven, and to feed and give water from
heaven to the one borne from the word of God who spoke to you from me.
Peace to you sons! Peace to you, those who know me in the flesh! Peace to you, those who
know me in the spirit! If the saint martyr Mina, got out into the way of the one who called and
accompanied him on the way of the danger, so are you to believe in my walking with you, but the
world does not know how this work comes. Oh, and the church of the Lord stands on such testi-
monies, if it stands, for those that are alive worked after their passing from the body, and they
truly worked, and their work remained at the foundation of the faith of the Christian church.
If the Lord worked so many miracles through me while I was with you, how shall this work
not be from me when I am now from heaven? Rather a greater work from the Lord starts now
through me and through my spirit and through my appearance among you.
I came into your way, people loved and nourished by God through me. That is why I went;
I went to be able to come from heaven to you and to come with a heavenly power. I am with you
to help you. When you lift up a weight I find you under it and I come under it beside you. When
you get in through the thorns and get your feet and arms bleeding, I come there after you too, and
I take you out and I put you on the path and urge you to stay on the path. Oh, and you do not want
to get under cover when the Lord comes and tells you that all these will be shaken. I am above you
watching and look to see you watching too, but you always labor for your pile. Oh, my child, seek
to gather only what God likes, only what takes after the new and heavenly law, which remains to
rule over all the new ones who come from the Father. The Lord is coming again, and He comes
with the law of the holiness, and He does not come with another law as you want to say; for besides
the law of the holiness there will be no other law. The old ones are passing away and are wiped
out and the new heaven and the new earth are coming back to their places, and nothing unclean,
nothing old, nothing human will remain among the new ones. And there shall be angelic food as
it was in the beginning, and the end is going to come near to the first beginning. Look, those that
are stolen by the beauty of today and by the wicked miracles of today, will never be able to know
the truth, as the face of the world covered those that are from the world and the world hid from
the truth.
People with a new name; stay close to me and to my spirit, which is working in you the
things from heaven. Stand by me for I am a lamp, which warms you up and keeps you awake, son.
Seek to be like me and then you will see afterwards who you take after and you will rejoice. I reveal
myself, but if you do not resemble me, who will you be able to endure that moment sons?