The Word of God in Romania 1993.08.28 - The Word of God at the feast of the A | Page 14
I came towards you, son, who departed from my work, and I speak upon the one who de-
parted and ask him: „Why did you leave me? As I want to hear your voice that tells me: „Oh, if it
is not too late, receive me again, as a lost one!”” I have always come to you and told you to leave
your burdens, as your burdens turn you into clay and you do no longer know to get up for the
heavenly table. My dear, if you are Christ’s in order to resemble the Lord, then you should also
resemble each other; you should take after each other.
I call the trumpet throughout my people. I called and I gathered; I gathered it from every-
where to tell it to use the wakefulness an hour earlier. The Lord is calling you for those that re-
main; He calls you, loved people, and tells you to crush your idols, your lust and your lawlessness
from your way, for the Lord stays with love; He stays with the time stopped to put you under His
shelter and to release the cleanness of the way of His glory afterwards.
I came with the Lord into your way, people of Jerusalem, and behold, I offer you to walk
carefully and to withdraw from the way of the wrath that is coming. Sound this way too, as I
sounded and I gathered you into your house and my house, as your house is the work of God Who
nourished you and brought you up through me. Sound too and get your house together and make
a counsel of revival. Do your duty and I do mine, and get out from death, you and your entire
house. Oh, here is what I advise you: do no longer stretch out your hand to eat from the world
table, as you are a people chosen by God and special for God. Satan stands o