heaven , and then I set a new beginning , clean and holy , in the midst of the people and I set a heavenly living , and I will still establish all that is to be established , and then I will glorify Myself before the people on earth , and the creatures will understand the mystery of the New Jerusalem , which comes from heaven on earth , which comes down little by little and which is made out by the word of God .
Oh , Romanian people , you gave a parable from you , which came made out from the Holy Spirit . No people on the earth gave it any longer ; only you gave it , and a prophecy was written out of your spirit , people of the glory , which comes with Me to you according to you word that came out from the Holy Spirit . I was with My disciples and I was going from place to place and I was giving them parables saying : « How will we liken the Kingdom of God ?» And I gave them many parables for learning and doing , as all the word , which comes out from God , which comes out from the Holy Spirit , is a deed even from its deliverance . Oh , Romanian people , you gave from you the parable with the king who has youth without old age and life without death , and if you spoke like this , behold , I came out with this work to welcome you , and I chose from you and I started the work of this kingdom of the King , Who has those things that are spoken from you . I am the King Who has this kingdom and I want to come with it upon you and to let it in you and to start with you the coming back to the beginning in which there was no death . And any science will come to an end and it will be a heavenly kingdom as it was in the beginning . Come back to your first situation ; come back to those without death and drink from the fruit of life and do , Christian , what God teaches you , for all will come to an end , but the Lord will remain with His inheritance and with Its sons .
Behold , Verginica 3 is with Me and she rejoices in her spirit ; she is blessed and loved and helped by all the saints until her . She has the passing of these days and is alive , and her spirit is working and living . She has a great favor , son , as she had been carrying Me for twenty-five years by the word , and now , behold , I am her word , as she had been My word , and there has never been a greater work than that , which was and is through Verginica . For I took her ; here is why I took her : to be able to send her back to you to bring you to those that were from the beginning so that they may also be .
Verginica , loved daughter , I , the Lord , command your spirit to give voice upon the manger of the word that comes from heaven with God and with His messengers . Amen .
Truly , truly , I speak , that Verginica works from beside Me ; Verginica works from those that are in heaven upon her people .
Verginica , release a word , daughter , I in you and you in Me , as this is the reward of the great workers of the heaven , as it was for Moses and for Elijah , who came from heaven and sat by Me in the day when I changed before the glory in the eyes of My disciples . Peace to you , heavenly daughter ! My peace and My word through you ! Amen , amen , amen .
Verginica has a heavenly commandment to let a voice and word upon the manger of the heavenly word .
Saint Virginia , the sixth apocalyptic trumpet - See selection topic : „ The apocalyptic trumpets ”, r . n . 12