The Word of God about the sign of the Son of Man The Word of God about the sign of the Son of Man | Page 6

The sign of the Son of Man
say so , for My will is the salvation of the human people . My will in man is a great wonder . Such a man is a miracle worked by Me for the man ’ s salvation , for the salvation of the human kind . My will is the good only , My will is good , My will is to prevail in man against the old man and to give birth to the new man in him , Christ , Me , to be born in man ; this is My will in man and My love in man . Blessed are the one who becomes My will to work it , for I work redemption from death and I become a way for the one who walks to find Me .
Israel , be My will , son . Be My will , for the world , son , is the will of the evil spirit . If you want to go into the world , then you become the will of the spirit of the world ; however , you should not have a desire like that , son , but you should be My will so that I may be your will , and to be one in the other , I in you and you in Me , son from Israel . Israel , Israel , do no longer be attracted to your wills , son . I will come visibly and I want to find you as My will , My people . Grow , son , grow within My will and pray saying : “ Your will may be done , Lord , as in heaven so on earth and in me , Lord .” He who goes to his wills , that one does not know what life is ; one like that does not know what it means to have life . It is My will above you , My people . Let Me come in you with it , son . My will is that you should not have other gods besides Me . My will is that you should not be your own god , but I to be your God in everything that I ask you from Me upon you . He who listens , that one does My will . You should be My will , son Israel , as I have called you , with My name , so that I may know that you do My will . My life and the sign of My life you should carry before Me , so that I may also come before you , and that we may meet each other before all the nations of the earth , for we wait for each other , loved Israel , I wait for you and you wait for Me , My people . Oh , blessed is the faithful one in Israel , as that one is My will before Me .
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Holy Cross Ascension , from 27-09-
1996 . ***
Oh , Verginica , all My words that are pronounced by Me from you come true , a wedding of new age on the earth , a new heaven and a new earth into your people , news over the earth , the Gospel proclaimed from one margin to another so that I may come visibly , Verginica ; a preached the Gospel , the sign of the Son of Man , the Word , the sign before My coming , My cross , My life in the Christian , My people , My cross , easy to be carried from place to place . And I will reveal more and more My glory and the glory of My word with My people , and all the nations of the earth will cry , seeing the Son of Man coming with the clouds of the heaven with great power and much glory , for behold , I sent My angels with My people , with a great trumpet sound , and at My trumpet call , I will bring together those that are My elected from the four winds , from one margin of the heavens to other margins , as I said through the Scriptures . Behold « The preaching of the cross is foolishness for those that are perishing , but to those that are saved is the power of God », as it is written . The wedding of new age is coming true , the wedding of the Son of the King , and those that are holy will be holier still and they will be whitened and cleansed , and those that are wise will be like the stars of the sky . Amen . And you , Verginica , My last trumpet , rejoice , for all that are proclaimed by Me from you come true , and My people born of you gives birth to sons for God , for My word in its midst gives birth ; it gives birth to sons . The one , who is being born in His manger , brings forth sons , and those who are born will be written into the Book of Life and the uprooted people from you – for you are the root – and the people who pulled itself out may know and hear that for any word said in vain , I , the Lord , will call it into account . I , the One Who stood as word in Israel , will stand with this word face to face with those that are uprooted from the root , from you , Verginica , and from