The sign of the Son of Man
was to come , but Israel did not believe in anything , it did not want anything . The Samaritans were hated by the Jews , but they believed in the One Who was to come from the Father , and when I came , they welcomed Me , they met Me to take Me in their home , not like the Jews , who took Me out of their home . You should receive Me , My people as the Samaritans received Me , son , and you should bring My word into being , as I also bring all My promises into being if you give being to My word .
My word is milk and honey from heaven 4 . You shall eat My word with sweetness ; you should spread it on bread like jam and you should eat and grow sweetly , oh , Israel child , so that I may become sweet with you , dear son . The Jews gave Me sour wine mixed with gall even at My most difficult moment , but you , Israel of today , become sweet for Me and give Me to drink of your water , give Me fresh water , give Me , My people , give Me , and be alert in your work , for idleness is sin of death , My people . You shall not stay in this death , for I will come soon , and I want to find you working at My coming , for I work My coming with you .
Verginica prays to Me and says , “ Lord , increase the faith of Israel !” Oh , Israel , Israel , why do you believe that I asked Myself then when I spoke about My coming ? For I said this : « When the Son of Man comes , will He find faith on earth ?» ( Luke : 18 / 8 ) Oh , I will no longer find faith on earth , but I will find with you , My people , for I have taken you from the world that you may no longer be from the world and that you may be born from above , to be from Me , not of the world , to be able to increase your faith in Me , My people .
It is a feast in you , My people . I have set you as a sign before Me and I wrote My name on your head and I sealed you with a heavenly seal and I know you by My anointed ones , who stand before Me for you , as you can be My people through the gates , for this is the godly order . I come to you through the gates . And this is how you are supposed to come in to Me too , through the gates , My people , through the gates , son , for he who climbs over the gates , that one is a spirit of Lucifer ; he is not a spirit of sheep in the new fold of new Jerusalem , coming from Me upon you . That is why I have always told you : stay within the spirit of obedience , My people , and go , son , go with a guide before you , for when the evil spirit sees the guide set by Me , the evil spirit flees from My order , and if you do not follow the guide , then the evil spirit comes and spoils your knowledge , and you become like Lucifer and you do not know what you do , for it is written : « If you do not know , then you do not have sin ». However , I tell you this lest you may commit sin , and keep away from the disorder about it is written in the Scriptures and in My fresh word upon you , for disorder is not good , son .
The Holy Spirit is a teacher upon you so that the Holy Spirit may teach you , My people , as it is written : « And they will be taught by God ». I have someone from your gates , ( gates - those by whom the Lord speaks , the Lord comes as word , r . n .) who , from childhood , keep saying to Me this : “ Oh , Lord , let me not be in my mind and in my heart , but You , Lord , be with Your will in me , and when You see Your growing less in me , take me out of my will with Your will and make me used to be Your will , Lord , for my will is to be Your will , Your will before You .” Oh , Solomon asked for wisdom from Me ; another asked Me something else , another , again , asked for something else still , but it is a great thing when I hear that someone asks Me : “ Lord , I want to be Your will before You , Lord .” Oh , blessed are you , little soul and heart , that
« But I lifted up My hand against them in the wilderness once for all , that I would not bring them into the land which I gave them , a land flowing with milk and honey , it is sweeter than all lands » ( Ezekiel : 20 / 15 )