The Word of God about the sign of the Son of Man The Word of God about the sign of the Son of Man | Page 7

The sign of the Son of Man
your sons . You are the root , and your sons of today are the branches , your branches , Verginica , and « the branches grow up and run over the walls », as it is written into the Scriptures .
Excerpt from the Word of God , at the synod of St . John , the Baptizer , from 20-01-1997 ***
Behold , son Jerusalem , My word with you lifts up many and it makes many fall at the same time . There has come the time for the lifting up of the many as it written . Those , who were not shepherds of sheep under the garment of shepherds , will fall down . I do not let Myself be deceived as man does . Behold , I see no sign of repentance at priests and bishops , nor do I see any humility in them , and My word works to the raise and to the fall of many . I , therefore , go with you , for you are a sign , My people . I do not give any sign to those who are hypocrites ; no other sign but My word and you as a sign for I go with you over the earth and I bless many there where I am welcomed with faith , and I shake the dust off My feet as a testimony where I am not received with faith .
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Lord ’ s Meeting , from 15-02-1997 . ***
It is the feast of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit , for the Father testified from heaven about His Son on the earth , and the Holy Spirit confirmed the truth of the word spoken by the Father upon Me . In those days John was the Father ’ s messenger to the people to preach My appearance into the midst of the people and that the people may believe in the Son of the Father and to be baptized with the water of the washing of the ancestral sin , and with the Holy Spirit , Who confessed the Father and the Son . And in these days , in the last days , I sent you among the people , you , My people , as one of My messengers , for I made a sign of you on the earth , a sign before of My second coming on earth , as John was a sign from the Father before My first appearance among the people .
Go My people , a new sign into the midst of the people , for I spoke about you that you are and will be . Go New Jerusalem , go and spread the grace of My word above the earth . Amen . Go My people , go , for I am the One Who is , and I embrace you with the power of My grace from all sides , for you are the little and protected one , and you are My sign , you are My messenger , as John was . Let all the nations hear this : I am the Son of the Father Sabaoth and I am called the Word of God , ( Apoc : 19 / 13 , r . n .) Who comes from heaven on earth in the midst of the Romanian people to be preached for His second coming in the body on earth . Amen .
Amen , amen , I say to you , My Romanian people : the time is coming , but it has already come , to appear as word into your midst , and then in the body on My second coming , as My Scriptures testified in the time of My body into the midst of the people of Israel , who denied Me , but I wait for it to come back to Me . Truly , truly I speak from heaven on earth : I am Word in the midst of the Romanian people . I come soon after this word . The one , who wants to come after Me , let him take his cross and follow Me . I come soon , soon and I will be with all those who follow Me and you , My wedding country , only for you to be according to My will , for you are the first . Those who do not believe into the truth of My word , they will not see It coming , for I will remove from My way the unfaithful one , the one who is stiff-necked , who does not look to see that I am with those who are faithful and clean .
In those days John was going before Me , and in these days you are going before Me , My faithful people . The one who believes and is baptized in the river of life , which flows as