The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead | Page 9

Resurrection of the dead
Spirit will overcome their adversaries , for one jot or one tittle ( thread ) shall in no way pass from the law , until all may be fulfilled .
Excerpt from the Word of God to His chosen , Irineu , from 17-01-1992 . ***
Oh son , what is the sign that My messenger is to be known of ? What is the sign the one who speaks from Me and into My name may be known of ? Ask the Law , Christian , and with those in it look over the one who speaks about God , for it is written , “ Do not take to eat or to chew without knowing the food , and seek to know the false teaching ,” for there is nothing but the dead to be risen and the last wonders to be done , those written to be done . Do not look after signs , and do not believe in other gods beside Me . For a great sifting and a laboriously worked temptation will come ; it shall come and say that they are sent to take and protect you , and you will know the one who comes ahead of Me if you are found in the spirit of holiness , in the holiness shirt .
Excerpt from the Word of God , at the feast of the Assumption , from 28-08-1993 . ( On Calameo ; on archive . org ; on files . fm ; on Google Drive )
Here is why the man , who was before My incarnation among the people , was saved : as My Father prepared the place of waiting of His incarnated Son in the bosom of Abraham , as I am the fruit tree of life , children , and I was waited for to bear fruit and to be the iconostasis entrance into heaven , and that is why the Scripture says that no one can enter but through Me ; and it says that I am the door , and the first step into heaven was made on it . I was raised from the dead and then each one , in the order of his division , as the promise was declared . And who was the first who got into heaven ? Behold , the thief entered into heaven , and although he had the key on him , the door was not opened for him until I arose first . He arrived with the cross and told the angel in front of the heaven , but that one did not open for him until I arrived , as I went first into the hell 14 and then I came to life ; and I became the entrance door to the tree of life , which is in heaven , which is the Holy of Holies of Godly Trinity , and then the kingdom of God started over the living and over the dead .
But the ignorant world did not understand anything , as then God prevailed over the death and the death was swallowed by victory , as each soul has been raised since then in the order of its division , and comes to life , if it left towards Me and accompanied by Me , as it is written : « Blessed and holy are those who have part in the first resurrection , as over these the second death has no power , but they will be priests of God and of Christ , and will reign with Him one thousand years » And those who did not left in Christ , they do not come to life , and wait for the other thousand years , and behold , satan has come to an end with his work of destruction and deceit upon the nations of the earth , and all the dead in Christ will rise for the redemption of their bodies , as they reign with Christ , and Christ ’ s kingdom is set to judge .
Oh , My people , not even now can you bear this mystery of the resurrection of the dead , not even now ; and you should have understood it by now . But I put a well-set lid on this mystery , and behold , the wise perceive this mystery , which is pronounced then when you say this : „ I wait for the resurrection of the dead and for the life of the age to come ”. Oh , if you had waited for it , you would have known what you had been waited for , and if you had known it , you would have waited for it . But you did not wait and behold , you do not know , and your eyes
Interesting to read : Gospel of Nicodemus , part II : The descent into hell , r . n .