The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead | Page 8

Resurrection of the dead
and then to win them over to Jesus Christ , Who wants to complete His loose body of His creature , and here , the Lord helps you , for the Lord cannot be seen without the body now . Do not grieve over your power and do not let yourself under sadness , over the power of your heart , for there is no temptation to overcome your power , and if it comes , God comes towards you and gives you a hand and gets you out of it . It is the time of martyrdom in spirit and this martyrdom in the spirit is much more valuable for God . Here , you know that it is written , « Do not be afraid of those who kill the body and are not able afterwards to do anything , but be afraid of those who can kill the spirit , for this would be the second death ». That is why the reward is higher for those who are martyrs in the spirit . The reward is high and comes from God , and the Lord will redeem through these the blood of those cut and killed for the testimony of Jesus Christ , for through these , who are martyrs in the spirit , the martyrs in the body will rise and will get the reward of their faith . It is written this way , « At the present trumpet the dead will rise incorruptible , and the living , who will be , will be changed », and shall enter the rest of the glory , seen by all God ’ s creature , and then the joy will be full . There is still a little while , beloved child , frail child , a little while , and there will be a sweet and eternal condition , and this will be the reward for the sons of the New Jerusalem and they will sing together , those in heaven and those on earth , the song of victory .
Excerpt from the Word of God to His chosen Irineu , from 21-07-1991 ***
Here , the Holy Spirit and the power of the Most High will overshadow you and you will come in front of this chosen people , and then you will breed and multiply and cover this chosen land , among all that are in the world , for Romania will be the New Eden . I know your trial and if I were not with you and in you , you could not resist . I know but soon you will put it away from you , for the children of this work will be the new earth who will be proclaimed with great working power of miracles and one cannot feel the heaviness now . ( See the selection topic : „ Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan 13 ”, r . n .) Now the ground is still hard , My beloved , and it cries to Me under its heaviness ; it cries to make it new , as meant to be . The land of this people , if it allowed God to work it , as a land of the present time is worked , would have yielded fruit of wonders never heard before . Oh , Christians of this people , this is their mission ; to bring the dead out to the thousandth generations out of the kindred of each piece of land , of every Christian who would let himself worked out and risen ; and here , this is the mission and the point of Scripture which says , “ In those days the earth will delivered up the dead from under it , and the sea will give up the dead who were hers ,” for , here another mystery , for each soul of Christian has a kindred in body too , and this is the Scripture which says about the sea which will give up those who are dead in it , and the word will be fulfilled : “ Where is your victory and your sting hell ?” Here , this was the mission of this descending of the heavenly word , and it is written in the prophets about this time and about the Holy Spirit working by which this people was born . Behold , the battle of the two groups of angels will come and it will be fulfilled what was written , for the angels of the Holy
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