The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead | Page 7

Resurrection of the dead amen .
Now , be always blessed with all My gifts and with My heavenly peace . Amen , amen ,
Excerpt from the Word of God to His elected Irineu , from 30-11-1990 . ***
I have called My people everywhere and I have called out again and again . I have called to those born on the way , but behold , I called and keep calling even today , and I am calling over those who have left at the beginning with Me , for I do not want to happen to those of this day what happened to those in the time of Moses , when they murmured and perished murmuring in the end . I do not want , Christian , to let this people perish and behold what I do : I have stood up to call upon him , to wake it up , to make it come to its senses , to make it stand firm on his feet . And if it does not want to stay with Me , to join Me and work with Me during this time and after My plane , then I will push it from behind to want to stay with Me ; I will take it with power and shake , I will take away its peace so that it may no longer have peace until it will make peace to Me , so that I may work with it what is written that I will work with it during the days that come , for it is written , that God will give light through the world with this people , and the unfaithful world will be raised to life by the faith and through the life of this people . It is written that He will move the mountains those that He has to move by the faith of this Israel ’ s little son during this time . It is written that by this little son , He will give the hand to the whole body of Israel , which is from Abraham , from Isaac and Jacob and up to this time . God writes by the words of this work that by this people He will raise the dead out of their tombs . It is also written that kings , heights , peoples and multitudes will bow before the light that will light the earth through this people . It is written that rivers of living water will run from the teaching that comes down over this people , and the thirsty people will drink out of these rivers to come on the way of those who are saved . ( See the selection topic : „ This word is the river of life 12 ”, r . n .)
Excerpt from the Lord ’ s trumpet sounding and of the Holy Virginia and over the Christians in the fortress of Viişoara , from 24-01-1991 .
Here , I tell you a new mystery , for those who believed in Me so far , those who testified Me in front of the kings and of the world rulers , who were serving foreign gods ; those have suffered martyrdom in their body and reached to the right hand of heavenly Bridegroom . But those from now , who belong to the work for the end of the wickedness and the one for the new beginning , these are martyrs in spirit and sigh in spirit and suffer for all creature . Here , now the world is rejoicing in its spirit , and the children , the bearers of God , sigh in the Spirit of God , but that Scripture is also written and says that , « All nations will mourn , and you will rejoice then ». And « When you see those that are to come over the world , rejoice , for your redemption is approaching ».
My child let your sadness not worry you . Do not get frightened , not even if the world spirit presses upon you , for it presses , you need to know that it presses . Bear the weight and carry it with joy and with patience , for there is a little time so that we may become like them
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