The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead | Page 10

Resurrection of the dead
are prevented from seeing and you do not see , as you do not read the book and you do not know if you do not read . And to read it and to understand it , you have to be lowered from heaven , Christian ; you have to ascend into heaven ( With the love and with the mind , r . n .) and then to descend and read . I came to give you My hand and to show you the heavenly things , and you did not give Me your hand to come with Me to see , to understand and to believe . I came with the heaven to you , My people , but you did not believe , as your eyes were prevented from seeing ; they are kept by unbelief and you do not know Me in the breaking of the bread , as those from Emmaus knew Me after My resurrection . But even now I am also after the resurrection , and I am with you on the way , speaking to you from the Scriptures , but your eyes do not let themselves go to see Me , and I come to ask you to buy oil from Me and to anoint your eyes and see , to take the gold and My garment on you , as look , I stand by your door and knock . Open to Me , open , to see ! And if you do not see , it means that you do not open for Me , but because I love you , I reprimand you with justice to come and repent , My people from the end , as you are foreign , people from the end , and you do no longer look to your beginning .
… Children of My people get up and learn this lesson , so that you may know how it comes to wait for the resurrection of the dead and for the life of the age to come . All the world says that the Lord is a liar by His prophets , but it is not so . The world does not understand that I announced My kingdom and it will not understand if it does not turn back to look to the beginning . And behold , the dead will come to life , but I tell you that they have already arisen and the world will not have eyes to see , as the eyes of the world are prevented from seeing .
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Synod of the Saints Archangels Michael and Gabriel , from 21-11-1993 . ( On Calameo ; on archive . org ; on files . fm ; on Google Drive )
Do you see My people , how hard it is for Me to come down to you ? Do you see how much humiliation you bring over My eye , over My light and over My way towards you ? But it is the time of the day of grace , and I still wait a little time for you to come to your senses and gain divine nature , the way man was at the beginning , the way I was when I took a body . If I did not come to take a human body , My Father would have not given Me the power to judge the man . But here , I am the Son of Man , the sinless man , and in the place of the man out of sin , I crucified Myself in My body , to mend the man and to condemn death . And here , the time is coming , and it has already come , when the dead are raised for life and for judgment ; some for life and some for judgment . ( See the selection topic : „ The fearful judgment 15 ”, r . n .) The Scriptures who speaks about the new birth of the world is coming , for I will raise the man out of the earth , all humans who have had a body , all creature , sons . This is what I told My first disciples , who crucified all they had and took My life , My truth and My words , of My kingdom , to let them be known and to make themselves sons for Me ; I told them that at the new birth of the world they will sit and judge Israel . And here , the heaven from above unites the right with those of the body , and it is being worked all that remains to be worked until the ending of the mystery of salvation , the one from Jesus Christ , Who names Himself The Word of God for the second coming of the Son of God .
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