The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead | Page 117

Resurrection of the dead
able to speak like me so fully the sweet news : “ Christ has risen !”? Oh , Lord , You came to life in Your body . And in this way there will be raised the bodies of those who are now waiting , and then the prophecy for the resurrection of the bodies will come true , that which was made for their redemption by Your resurrection , for You passed through death as a man in order to bring then the power of the resurrection for all , and there is no mind to feel this great mystery , so much covered for those that do not love life , for You are life , and those who do not live according to Your word do not love You , oh resurrected Lord !
Excerpt from the Word of God on the second Sunday after Passover , of the saint apostle Thomas , from 22-04-2012 . ( On Calameo ; on archive . org ; on files . fm ; on Google Drive )
I remind you , those who are much exhorted by My word , which you seek and want much , and I am telling you now that I said in My prayer to the Father : « My Father , if it is possible , let this cup pass away from Me ; nevertheless , not what I desire , but what You desire ». ( Matt : 26 / 39 ) Oh , this prayer full of pain had power in it to keep in it the spirit of obedience to the Father , for in My prayer to the Father I said then : « Not what I desire , but what You desire ».
You should know from Me , sons , that the Father had listen to My prayer which I asked for Me at the moment of My bitter cup , for the cup passed , and I was resurrected , and once with Me I drew the dead out , those who heard My voice from the hell when I got into it to take them out . You should know , sons , that on that time My Father did the work beyond human nature , for God is Spirit , even if I had a body on earth to obey the Father in order to take out the bodies of the dead from the hell , but My Father kept Me near Him in the time of the carrying of the cross , and He also carried My body to those in hell , who became flesh so that I might be able to come out and walk on their way out of the hell , for how was satan supposed to be defeated if God had not showed him in the time of My cross that the bodies of the dead came out of the dust and walked on their feet on the earth ?
Oh , I would go on and on speaking with you much about this great mystery of resurrection , a mystery for which My Father told Me to listen and to be born a man and to sow Myself in men with My mysterious work and to come down then by the way of the cross into the hell with My resurrection and the resurrection of the dead .
Excerpt from the Word of God on the third Sunday after Passover , of the prudes , from 29-04-2012 . ( On Calameo ; on archive . org ; on files . fm ; on Google Drive )
I am spending with you and with the saints here , near the well , sons . The heaven of saints is thirsty after you , after My places with you and after the word of My mouth into your midst , well sons . You , like you , but the saints are consumed with longing in order to hear Me speaking , for their view is complete now , not as on earth , as the limited man sees those below and those above . Oh , be great in your spirit and work , for I , the Lord , two thousand years ago , prophesied about My word of today among you when I spoke with the Samaritan woman at Israel ’ s well revealing Myself to her as the spring of flowing water , but first I exposed her because she was living in sin , and I told her : « Go , call your husband and come here ». ( John : 4 / 16 ) She could not tell Me that she had a husband , and she told Me the truth , that she had no husband . Then I told her : « You said well , ‘ I have no husband ,’ for you have had five husbands ; and he whom you now have is not your husband ». ( John : 5 / 17 , 18 ) I helped her to know Me by revealing her the sin in which she lived , and she was not upset with Me that I