Resurrection of the dead
showed her sin ; on the contrary , this woman sanctified her life , and here is what I , the Lord , am telling you now , to hear those that despise you calling you proud because of your life lived in holiness , in which I have set you , as I said and reminded you from the Scriptures saying : « You shall be holy , for I am holy !» ( 1 Peter : 1 / 16 ) Behold , to be holy is not something to be proud of as many speak against those who live in holiness , but it is rather obedience to God , Who said : « You shall be holy , as without holiness no one can see the Lord , and the saints will be like Him , as they will see Him as He is », ( See Heb .: 12 / 14 ; 1 John : 3 / 2 ), as it is written .
Behold it is not a duty for man to be holy , but it is obedience to God , Who said : « You shall be holy !» Oh , but many ornaments has the garment of holiness on it after it is woven by faith in Me of the one who gets up to believe and then to prove his faith by the works of holiness . These ornaments have to be understood by him and then to be built in him and on the one who meets Me at this well , at My spring of word from here . Few , very few of those that find Me here as spring of flowing water within eternal life in man , oh , few want to understand the spirit of resurrection , which gives eternal life to man , life which does not stop from its work , but it goes , works and gives forth fruit up to eternity .
Man is afraid of resurrection . In what way is he afraid of ? He is afraid of the truth about him . The Samaritan woman was not afraid when I told her the truth in her . She understood the spirit of resurrection , which came out before her to her making from above . Sons , sons , on the Christian way one works at the man ’ s cleanness , and the way of the Christian people does not have another work . Many go wrong saying that they are Christians , but they are not if they do not prove it . Oh , man , you go wrong thinking that you can hide within yourself and above it you still think that you are Christian . Everything comes at the surface , as much as you have no idea of it . Nevertheless , why always , always do you keep trying to defend yourself when it comes about your cleanness ? Poor man always , always goes wrong and his life comes out and is seen to free him from his mistakes hidden in him , only that the man does not have any joy over his mistakes to be seen and corrected ; on the contrary , he would keep on hiding them to pose as someone that is not , to remain under guilt , poor of him , but the price for the eternal life is high and man has to pay for it if he wants to have eternal life in him and not to have any mistakes in him .
Oh , there are some of those who do not understand what resurrection is ; however , in the Christian people , one works only at the cleanness of man , and you , still slow for My resurrection in you , oh , if you wanted to come to life you would rejoice to find out how you are and how you are placed in those around you , how you placed yourself in them , and then you would no longer defend your weaknesses and mistakes , which always make you fall , which always make place for you in others as you are , and not otherwise . Oh , if you do not seek for your resurrection and cause pain for the man ’ s resurrection , do you think you can wake up the spirit of resurrection in man ?
It is much to be watched , much , much , sons , who have the work of resurrection over those who understand and over those who do not understand deeply My work with you and the work of My resurrection in them as I am and not as man may want Me to be . Oh , teach them profoundly those who come to resurrection , teach them how they can come to life and how they can die after that if they do not keep watching well to learn how to have Me and where to take Me from as I am within the whole light . Man ’ s making , this is My work with you , but I want to give light to those that are man ’ s hidden things and to be able to protect My work with you , for many want to be , but if they do not let themselves be cleaned , they have no way to come to