Resurrection of the dead
those five thousand years and a half after the days of creation , in which man was created as well . ( About these see
Gospel of Nicodemus : Part II . - The Descent of Christ into Hell , r . n .) Then I came to life with great glory and I remained forty days , going from place to place appearing alive and working great miracles , and then I went in the mountain with My faithful ones , that they could be witnesses of My resurrection and then witnesses of My ascension to the Father , as few as they were at that time from among all the people on earth , and I went up from among them and I ascended to the right side of the Father , in the place where the Father has Me settled from eternity ; after that , I have sent the Holy Spirit over the disciples , Who was promised to them and Who came after My ascension to the Father , and He remained with them and brought God to them , as I promised them that I would be with them to the end of the time .
On a second day of Sunday after the Sunday of My resurrection and of those who were waiting in hell for their Savior promised to Adam , the first man created , I entered again into the midst of My disciples , while they were staying together closed because of the fear of those who were looking for them , and I said to them : « Peace to you !», as these hearts , crushed and full of tension , needed much peace . And on that day , I saw the disciple Thomas among them , who was not among them on the Sunday of the resurrection , when for the first time I appeared resurrected before them . As some people stuck to the earthly things , even after My resurrection , they still minded their things . However , I was walking after them and I appeared to them so that they might understand their election and to give other things or occupations on the earth away from them , as God hired them for Him , and they still worked otherwise . However , the Holy Spirit came and He gave Himself to them , and then they were able to work only for Me , only with My walking , and I had much work to be done through them and which was to be set on earth , so that I may have a house with the man on earth , to have the man as My church , ( See the selection topic : „
The true church 52 ”, r . n .) to have a body made of faithful sons , and I to become one body with them by My body and blood united with them in their own body , so that we may all be one , and that they may be the sons of the Father as I am , and the Father ’ s love was so great that He called those who were faithful to Me God ’ s sons !
Oh , peace to you , people confessing of My second coming from the Father as word on earth ! By the word , the Lord made the heaven and the earth in the beginning and He is working again the mystery of the new heaven , the new earth and the New Jerusalem for this mystery . You should have great love , people loved by God , for the Lord has revealed to you His entire work for the new birth of the world , and you , who are born from above by this word of My mouth , help to My work the Father has given to Me and stay on My right side until we will overcome the last enemy , and then there will be the new heaven , the new earth and My confessing people , by whom I will share the great joy for all of the saints who will have waited for My complete victory . Amen .
— However , I , my Lord and my God , am ordained by the saints and by the fathers and I am remembered as a great witness of Your resurrection , because You saw me with all the other disciples on the second Sunday after Your resurrection , and You came in again and gave me too such a great spirit of confession for You and for Your resurrection . Who else was then