The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead | Page 115

Resurrection of the dead
Oh , it is not the same with the spirit of those asleep in their body who wait , as the merciless rich man waited for Lazarus to bow from Abraham ’ s bosom and dip the tip of his finger and cool his lips against the flame he was suffering from in the bad place which he had earned on earth , as I had revealed this to him two thousand years ago by the voice of My Gospel of that time , and behold , now all those who are asleep and remembered here , receive much coolness from My present spring , near the spring to which they are coming after they have been called , for are called here all those who were born by this time on earth and passed away with their body , some to eternal life and some to sufferance .
Oh , refresh yourselves now with My spring of word , near which you are being called now so that you may answer ! All those , who have passed to Me through a holy life , rejoice and pray to the Father with Me and with My today ’ s people , working with us for those who have been suffering after their passing away ! And as for you , those who suffer , be refreshed and receive My glory with those who work for you on My behalf , as your relief from heaven and earth , for I , the Lord , do not want the sinner ’ s death , but I want salvation instead , for I am the One full of mercy . I have a people with self-denial with respect to its every day food and I have asked him to fast for you and for Me , Who have been working during these days for the salvation of many , and with it I have been fulfilling the last Scriptures ; also , with it I have been working My coming of word on earth now to establish the seat of My glory for the day when I will stand with all the holy angels to give to each one according to his deed , and it will be great the joy of those who have visited Me , who have had mercy on Me and comforted Me then when they have given to the least of Mine into My name !
Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of the Fearful Judgment , from 19-02- 2012 . ( On Calameo ; on archive . org ; on files . fm ; on Google Drive )
Oh , peace to you , people of My word , My servant on whom I have been relying during these days of My coming on earth as word ! Son , you should stay with the gates open for the Lord . You should stay as servant for Me , for My coming on earth , and all the saints will thank you , and those in hell will also thank you , those who always receive from your hand release and merciful prayer for their souls before Me .
Excerpt from the Word of God on the fifth Sunday of the Lent , of the saint devout Mary the Egyptian , from 01-04-2012 .
On a day of Sunday , the second Sunday after My resurrection , which took place on the day of Sunday , I strengthen the name of the Day of the Lord and of His rest . I the Lord , Jesus Christ , the resurrected Lord , am strengthening by the word and I say this : the first day of creation is the greatest day , and the minds of the people on earth have not been in great hurry , those who do not keep the greatest of the days , they have not hurried to understand what a great day this day is and how much meaning it has between God and man , between man and God . I am speaking to them on this day of the confirmation of My resurrection before the disciple Thomas , when he looked at Me after I was resurrected , and he touched Me for the confirmation of the mystery of My resurrection , I am telling those who remain for the day of Saturday as a day for the Lord , and I am telling them that I did not rest on the day of Saturday , after they crucified Me , but that I worked in the dwelling of the dead for the light of the day of the Sunday , of the day of the light , for I , the Lord , entered the hell as a great light , and I draw out those who had been waiting for their salvation all the time during