Resurrection of the dead
I have with Me , at the table of word , the host of those who are godly in heaven , and it is a day of feast among the saints for My wholly faithful bride ,
Parascheva , who , one thousand years ago , chose Me as her bridegroom , as her life and love on earth . I have kept her as a heavenly adornment and she wanted to be and to live in the land of the Romanians , as at her coming among the saints I showed her the glory the Father had prepared for Me on the hearth of the Romanian people and My way with a table of word on it in the last days . Soon , soon , a great and mysterious miracle will take place , as on earth the bodies of the saints will come here from everywhere , in My country of My coming as word on earth now , where I have been preparing a citadel for those in heaven and a table for them with those who are faithful to Me in this time when no one has love of God on earth any more , and the bodies of the saints will hover above this land just as the ships sail on sea , and they will fly in the sky to come down at My table , set by Me on the hearth of the Romanian people , as here is where the Father has ordained My wedding and its table with the saints , and soon , this mysterious miracle will marvel the world far and wide , and the world will wonder and not understand those who are hard to understand by the human mind ; however , I , the Lord , fulfill the Scripture of My coming with the saints , word by word , and no one will understand this fulfillment , for man looks to see such miracles and will not be able to see My mysteries , as what is made of flesh is flesh , and what is made of spirit is spirit and it is from heaven and so it reveals , and I am coming with the saints and making a kingdom with them into the midst of the faithful people and I am making a table of wedding in order to bring together for Me those who will have served Me with their love , as the saints have served Me after they had loved Me . Amen .
Oh , no one knows why I want to find and love the monachal life at those who choose it as their life . This life , lived according to its truth , is a life without meat and without those that come out of meat as food for the one who has entered a monastery , for such a life turns the man into a monk , and not the service and the robe of monasticism , which then become severe judgment for the one who goes into monastery . Many saints have chosen to live their life in truth , to fast from food and to pray much for their heart and mind , and the gift of the Holy Spirit overshadowed them and the Lord gave them the spirit of revelation to the establishing of those He made come down on earth for those who love God . Oh , I have longed very much to have in this time a people abstaining from meat and from those coming out of meat , to be able to lift up together with it the burden of My coming and the Gospel of the fulfillment of the resurrection of the dead , who have heard during these days the voice of God ’ s sons , My word of today , springing of My mouth into the midst of My people , whom I have ordained now to meet Me as word , for I am coming to it on earth as word during these days .
Oh , I have taken of your little hand and mouth of My servant the remembrance for the calling to life of those asleep until this time , oh , people working for Me and fulfilling My Gospel of nowadays in the end of the time ! I have called them at your table with Me for them , at My table with you , son , and we have been giving them more and more relief to their resurrection by those that I , the Lord , have taken from your midst , which are worked for them , as you have been appointed before Me to work for the resurrection of the dead and to stay working and no longer live in the world without fruit for Me , as all those who still believe in Me stay and do not know how to build a Christian life in them . Oh , who is to tell them so that they may know how their life should be , that they may have a Christian life as they like to have this name ?