Resurrection of the dead
are telling them from near You to believe now , before seeing , so that they may prepare their happiness for this time here , because if they do not prepare it , they do not have it .
Oh , what were You really to do with us , so sinful as we were on earth , if You did not meant us to be a living church , and much working at Your word for us , a people of new Jerusalem , living in holiness and prayer and sacrifice for us always ? You have set them at Your holy work on earth for the resurrection of the dead , oh , Lord . We did no longer have a mother on earth to be born again . The church and its services for us are mixed and do no longer come up to You for us . The Orthodoxy , Your bride , has torn in pieces its baptismal garment . Only in heaven have we got saving fathers , and behold how much salvation You have prepared for us from the midst of Your today ’ s people on earth , with servants set at the work of salvation for us , those fallen asleep and waiting for our redemption , great Savior . Oh , glory to Your resurrection for us ! You have given us great mercy , Good Lord ! We are telling the sons of Your people and those who are gathered on this day at Your spring of word , we are telling them the joy that You had given us , those of old and those who have come later , after You had been resurrected from the dead , we are telling them this , too : Christ has risen and redeemed us , and our joy is great and it has in it the Lord ’ s pain and His sufferance for us , the thrill of thankfulness for the merciful One , Who paid for our lives by His sacrifice for us ! Amen .
— Oh , nothing , nothing is not to be understood between Me and man , but man does not choose his joy , which is coming in him from My pain , from My love full of pain for man . I have given voice to those fallen asleep to comfort them , as I am the merciful One and I am full of salvation for man . Amen .
Excerpt from the Word of God on the third Sunday after Passover , of the prudes , from
08-05-2011 .
— The saints are blessing you , My people , as they see your work with Me . The Father is blessing you as He sees you with Me and with the saints at the table , son . The nature is blessing you with all its miracles , as it sees you working with Me at its redemption . Those who go from their graves up to their resurrection are also blessing you before Me , as this great day is coming when My work with you will be much confessed , My work of word in your midst for the redemption of the bodies of those who have sanctified themselves for this on earth in all the times that have passed . I , the Lord Jesus Christ , your Teacher , am also blessing you on behalf of My Father and yours , and I am telling you to prepare for a sweet feast , as the people is coming to the spring ; My people is coming again to My spring of word to give to it , and you are the distributor of God by My work with you . Oh , seek to know well the life of My kingdom with you , as I want man to take , to take and to be able to work , because man is weak due to his lack of God in him .
Excerpt of the Word of God on the feast of the great saint martyr and healer , Panteleimon , from
09-08-2011 .
I have prepared My way of coming as on earth man prepares a way of stone on which he travels then for his needs , and I have prepared a stopover , too , and I am coming with the saints and stopping among people to speak at the table with those who are faithful to the word of heaven so that those who are not faithful may hear It and to be judged according to their works after that , according to their faith or unfaith in which they want to remain .