The Word of God about the Glory of God The Word of God about the Glory of God | Page 39

The glory of God
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the great saint martyr , Catherine , from 08- 12-2008 .
The Father , the Son and the Holy Spirit , This is One God and He proclaims Himself over the earth . Amen .
The Lord is coming down into His garden into the midst of the Romanian people . The Lord is coming with His saints and is proclaiming Himself in His descent . The Lord is descending as word over the earth , and He is coming down into His book as word of feast . I am making Myself heard at the gates , and it is opened for Me to come in with My glory to the people of
My word . My glory is the word , as it also was in the beginning when I made the heaven and the earth , the visible and the invisible things , and then I made man , saying : « Let Us make man in Our image and after Our likeness : and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea , and over the birds of the sky , and over the cattle , and all over the earth , and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth ». ( Gen : 1 / 26 ) And after the heaven and the earth were finished , and all their hosts , God saw everything that He had made , and , behold , it was very good . And on the seventh day God finished His work , which He has made , and then He rested on the seventh day from all His work , which He had done . ( See also Gen : 1 / 31 ; 2 / 1-2 ) Amen .
Oh , My people , this is how I have also waited for the rest for the creation of today , which I want to finish , and then I want to rest from all My work . In the beginning , God rested after He had made man , which He made on the sixth day , and on the seventh day , God finished His work of creation and rested from it , and then He blessed and hallowed the seventh day , resting on it .
Peace to you , My people ! I am into your midst as word of creation , sons . My trumpet , Verginica , ( Verginica - the diminutive to her real name : Virginia , r . n .) as I , the Lord , called her on earth when I blew from her over a people which heard My word sounded by her mouth , behold , she is with Me and with the armies of saints and angels with whom I am coming down to you on the day of the feast of her coming on earth from heaven . Oh , happy is the man who believes in those that are written in the Scriptures about the whole God ’ s work , which was , which is and which has to be and to be done , and the one who does not look into the Scriptures to believe in their fulfillment , that one is not happy , but he is temporary instead , and everything which is temporary is sad . Oh , you will be happy , people nourished from My mouth , from My word , if you believe in it and in its fulfillment , and concerning the one who believes , that one will not be temporary , sons , but rather he will be enclosed in My glory and My glory is the word , as I have told you that it is . I embrace you within My word to be a happy child son . Oh , let yourself be enclosed in My word to be happy , as anyone who does not let himself to be comprised by it , that one is sad and this is the sign of his little faith , a faith that struggles to be . Oh , not that way , sons , for I , the Lord , said that the one who believes has nothing to lose , but he does not have to be content only with that , but he has to rejoice believing and to be happy if he does not want to lose . My confessing disciples would have lost if they had not believed happily in what they had for Me , and they would have staggered in time of sacrifice ; however , they were happy by their proclamation about Me and not by faith and only that , because if faith does not work its fruit , it does not make the man happy , but rather such a man is sad .