The Word of God about the Glory of God The Word of God about the Glory of God | Page 40

The glory of God
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Saint Virginia , God ’ s trumpet , from 14-12-2008 .
I come down on earth with My glory and with all the holy angels , who serve My glory , and My glory is the word within My second coming from the Father . Little by little , and My greatness , which shines on the earth of My blessing from the midst of the Romanian land , will draw the nations to walk within the light of My citadel of New Jerusalem , and the kings of the earth will magnify this coming of Mine and will protect My citadel and its glory and they will get warmed under its torch , for I am its torch , the Lamb of the Father , and I am the Way , the Truth and the Life , and this is how I will appear for I am in My day of greatness . Amen .
I am coming , My people , to speak with you on a day of Sunday and so that we may also remember the promise of the glory of My coming , about which I spoke in parable two thousand years ago , and My speech of that time is testified by the Scriptures of that time , just as My speaking from today is being testified by My book of today , a book prophesied by the Scriptures to be , a book which stays open so that I may speak through it ; the book with seven seals , which only I , the Lamb and the Word of the Father , have taken it from His hand to open its seals one by one , ( See the selection topic : „ About the Book of the Lamb - The Book of Life 27 ”, r . n .) by My sacrifice and by the word of confession , to redeem people of every nation and language , people and tribe , and to make out of them a kingdom of priests to be on earth , as it is written to be fulfilled , and when the sky will be opened at sight , shaking the first creation , then the rulers of the earth will go into hiding from the wrath of My day , for I am sitting on the throne within these days and My book is open , and those who sit as rulers on the earth go into hiding , for My day is coming .
Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of the fearful judgment , from 22-02-2009 . ( On Calameo ; on archive . org ; on files . fm ; on Google Drive )
I give to the Romanian people the glory of My word , which I am setting into My book with you as counsel upon man , My people , and I teach him to take and to know , for I give him and I wait for him with great love for his renewal , to his new birth , to be a new creature , a new country , clothed within the saints and angels , for the fleeting glory of the world passes away like the world and as its worldly work , but the eternal glory of the saints remains , and I , the Lord of the resurrection of all things , want you to remain , My today ’ s country , for the land under you is My choice from the beginning , and you still do not understand what a mystery your land has . Take your time to hear Me ! Oh , take your time to talk with God ! Lucifer knows you even from the beginning , and now he tries to play his book in you to fill you with his work hostile to Me , but I am coming and telling you to take note of this from Me and to come under My mantle , under My counsel so that I may protect you from the hour of temptation , for the hard temptation has come upon you , about which is written in the Scriptures that is coming , and you do not read the Scriptures and do not know them if you do not read them to understand them . Oh , you have to read
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