The glory of God
Oh , My people , you have to be and to live only for God ’ s glory . Do not forget that this is what I have meant for you . And in order for you to know how to fulfill this , become forerunner as John , My baptizer , did , for he was the one who went before My glory among people , and you have to understand like one grown by God what it means My glory that I have from the Father before the foundation of the world . I am the light of the world , I am the light and the word , and I live on earth through My church and I am in it the light of the world . Oh , become light from the light , son . Oh , turn your soul into light from light , sons , to be the forerunners of the light from the beginning , the light not created and which will comprise the world in the light with its threefold power in the last day , for it is the Father , the Son and the Holy Spirit , and it works through the saints form God among people and this is how it works them and this is how it is My forerunner . The fleshly tongue of the man cannot comprise the glory of My light , but the tongue of the spirit glorifies it from the inside of the one illuminated by it .
Make your soul light from light , My people , as John , My baptizer , became , for God is light and this is how He appeared . The burning bush seen by Moses on the Mount Sinai was the light from which God spoke to Moses . The pillar of fire , which had led Israel in the wilderness was the light not created by God , which became an angel of light before man . My glory on Tabor , the light from the beginning , which shined on Me when I was transfigured before My disciples , was a light like that on the Mount Sinai when God spoke to Moses . My resurrection and its light , which I showed to My disciples in an image of angel , and then the glory with which I came out before apostle Paul on the road to Damascus , this is how the light from the beginning has appeared to many people on earth , and behold , I am the light of the world as long as I am in the world , as long as the man keeps Me on earth to be light over the people , and as for you , help Me to be , My people , help Me , son , and learn from Me what God on earth with people means , learn like John , the Baptizer , who did not perform any miracle but who was the spirit of prophecy , the spirit of the testimony before Me and before the people and proclaimed Me so that his testifying proclamation may be fulfilled .
All My words spoken into your midst , My people , mean My light , God ’ s light . My word is prayer upon you , asking from Me to be the witness of My word and its life in you . Look at the men ’ s sons , for its teeth are weapons and arrows , and their tongue a sharp sword , as it is written , but you have to be My witness for My life in you on earth , for I have come from the Father to you , and I do not come from the world but I come to make you grow to be My light in the world as John , My forerunner , was , for he was the light which prepared My way to the people so that the people might know that the Son of God was coming and to receive Him .
I , the Lord , am coming down into the book with a feast of saints , My people . No matter how weak or how wrong you may be , you are great before Me when I am able to come down into your midst with the whole word of My today ’ s glory , for My glory is the word , as it was in the beginning and as it is . I am glorifying Myself in the word into your midst , and your faith is God ’ s gift upon you , My people . If I did not give you , you would not have faith in My today ’ s coming to you . Behold those who have given this gift away from them ! Take a look at them to see how those who lose the gift of faith are and keep away from the snake of doubt , sons , as for the one who is bitten by this serpent , his eyes , his years , his mind and his faith become corrupted and he becomes reckless of his sickness , even if his spirit sighs .