The glory of God
save it from under its sigh and to teach it the longing for God , the faith in God and its works , mother . Behold , this is how Father has also sent Me today as word on earth , for the end of the ages has come near , and all and everything has been waiting for the coming of the Son of Man in heaven and on earth , mother , for by My birth of your virgin body I became the Son of Man and I became the Savior of the world , for the man lives only in bondage on earth , mother . I am speaking with you before those who have come together at your feast near the place of My spring of word . The mystery of the fallow land with a treasure in it , this is the mystery of the choice of this land in order that I may come , the land of the Romanian people , mother , and Father wants to announce it as heavenly homeland , the homeland of My coming again from the Father to the man with the news of the kingdom of the heavens , with the glory of My word , which fills the earth and the heaven , but only the man ’ s heart he does not fill , for the man does not long for God on earth , mother . Oh , let Us speak at the spring , My mother ! The heavenly armies have come here , at the spring , for you , within a feast for you , and I am the Son of God and I am your Son as well . Let us feed those who have come together again near My spring of word , for the longing has brought them here , and their faith and love need power , mother . Let us glorify Ourselves with the glory that I have had from the Father before the foundation of the world , oh , mother full of word like your Son , the Word God , for the glory of God is the word , as it was in the beginning as well , mother ! Amen , amen , amen .
I am in the midst of the people with this spring of word , for the man without food from heaven on him dies ; he has always died . Let the man come to learn from Me life by this word , for I have come again from the Father to the man , and I work with the glory which I have had from the Father before the foundation of the world , and this glory which I have from Him is the world of My mouth , the world which made the heaven and the earth , and which has made again a new heaven and a new earth , a new Jerusalem and a new people , as it is written into the Scriptures to work , I , the little Lamb of the Father , for those who are redeemed by Him from among people to be My kingdom on the earth .
With a speech of Holy Spirit , I become word and I come into My book at the end of the time and I write Myself in it to My confession , for Father has sent Me , and I testify about My work , given to Me by the Father to fulfill it as He has given it to Me , and I do not work or speak from Myself , but I take from the Father and this is how I fulfill . I work out My coming again from the Father to man and I work by the word as I worked from the beginning when God made the heaven and the earth . I was then the word of the Father , and I am the same today , for I am His Son . The Father , the Son and the Holy Spirit , this is God ’ s name and in this name I come as word into My book of today . Amen .
I strengthen My entrance and the power in the gates and this is how I come in when I speak into your midst , My today ’ s people . Oh , get used to stay for My waiting , for I have My coming with you , that which is prophesied in the Scriptures by My own mouth two thousand years ago . Let your preparation be warm then when I come at the feasts to you with My saints , for the prayers of My saints remind Me forever of My coming of now , My coming with them , promised by God to be , as also you are promised to be and to have God into your midst and to grow it over your life for His glory on earth among people .