The Word of God about the coming with the clouds The Word of God about the coming with the clouds | Page 50

He comes with the clouds
with Moses on the mountain for Israel , and I am the One Who am speaking with you today from the mountains of word , under which many on earth will want to take shelter in the times of pressure that are coming , and will be very much afraid of the Lord ’ s greatness and of His days of glory , with the Holy Spirit and with fire , the Lord working for the renewal of the world , as it is written .
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Divine Annunciation , from 07-04-
2018 . ***
Oh , peace to you , sons . May the earth and the sky be changed from My glory with you and from you ! May all and everything tremble , and may man tremble in his heart at as well , at the hearing and seeing of My party with you here as many times as I descend with those from heaven here , with you .
And for those that will come together at the feast , oh , the angels will meet them on the way to carry them as on the clouds of glory to this place , to My holy mountain , to you , those who meet the earth and heaven in the celebration , in the feast of the Lord ’ s glory , My glory with you on earth , oh sons . Amen , amen , amen .
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord , from 19- 08-2019 . ( On Calameo ; on archive . org ; on files . fm ; on Google Drive )
The Scripture of My coming with the saints is descending from heaven on earth . ( 1 Thessalonians : 3 / 13 ) 28 I am the Son of God , the Father , I and My new name : the Word of God . ( Apoc : 19 / 13 ) 29
Clouds of saints welcomed Me at My ascension near the Father , after I had finished the work for which I had descended on earth as a man born of man two thousand years ago . Then a cloud descended and comprised Me within it and I passed into the invisible of God ’ s creation , and all the saints that woke up from among the dead once with My resurrection , ( Matt . 27 / 51-53 ) 30 accompanied Me to My Father with much glory and with the angelic song of the cherubim and seraphim , and now , I am travelling on the clouds of saints and angels with the glory of My coming as I ascended to the Father , and it has always been written on earth the word of My coming during this time , for this book has been written down for more than sixty years and it has been on earth the word with which I have come that it may flow from My mouth into its book . ( See the selection topic : „ The glory of God 31 ”, r . n .)
« And may he establish your hearts , blameless in holiness before our God and Father even to end , at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all His saints ». ( 1 Thessalonians : 3 / 13 )
« I saw the heaven opened , and behold , a white horse ! And its rider is called Faithful and True . He judges and make war in righteousness .
His eyes are a flame of fire , and on His head are many crowns . He has names written [ TR / CT omits “ names written ”] and a Name written which no one knows but Himself .
He is clothed in a garment sprinkled with blood , and His Name is “ The Word of God .”» ( Apoc : 19 / 11-
13 )
«… the earth quaked and the rocks were split . The tombs were opened , and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised and came out of the tombs after His resurrection . ( They entered into the holy city and appeared to many )». ( Matt . 27 / 51-53 )
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