The Word of God about the coming with the clouds The Word of God about the coming with the clouds | Page 49

He comes with the clouds
of My spring of word , spoken upon them from the cloud so that they may pick it up and put it into the book and to give the book to you so that this book may be written on your hearth with My coming to you , My country . ( See the selection topic : „ About the Book of the Lamb - The Book of Life ”, r . n .) Oh , the whole earth , all the nations far and wide have heard and known about My coming to you and they know about My word upon you , and you have to know even more , for there is not much time until all the nations will ask you about My mountain of word and teaching of holy way for the people who look for God with the steps of their lives , for everything passes and all will pass , only God remains , only I , the Lord , have no end , and My kingdom has no end either , and I want you to be My kingdom among the nations of the earth and all the nations to bow before it and take of the glory of My word and to learn the way and the life that saves from death and which saves everyone who believes in My word , which renews the world little by little , until the completion of the mystery of new heaven and new earth , ( See the selection topic : „ The heaven – the throne , the earth – the footstool : the man deified ”, r . n .) and behold , I have been speaking to you on a day of holy feast about God ’ s mystery into your midst , oh , My country of today , in which I am coming with the armies of saints , as it is written for Me to come and to call you Mine .
I had to come down on earth after five thousand years from the creation of the world , ( In 1992 there were 7500 years , - see all " The Word of God " and the selection topic : „ The end of the world and the Day of the Lord ”, or note from 12.12.2004 , r . n .) for man had never come back with his face towards Me to give himself back to God . I came through a Virgin mother and I was born and grew like a man so that that people may come to know Me , known as descending from Abraham , Isaac and Jacob as God ’ s people ; however they did not welcome Me and they did not know Me and they cast Me out from them instead .
After two thousand years , I have come to you , Romanian people , and here I am with you in the word of new creation over you and over the nations ! Oh , welcome Me ! Oh , do not cast Me out ! And even if you do not want to believe Me and to receive Me upon your being , oh , you cannot cast Me out . I am the word and spirit of word , I stand in the cloud of word and speak to you , and you cannot cast Me out as it happened two thousand years ago when Israel cast Me out from him .
Oh , behold why I come on earth . I come to be with those who suffer like Me , like My saints , and I come to heal the wounds of their soul and their patience under the cross . I come on a white horse , and on the way of the white clouds of the glory of My word and I speak and release My word from the cloud and it is the one set into the book and is preached everywhere .
Excerpt from the Word of God on the sixth Sunday of the Lent , of the Palm Sunday . The Feast of the Lord ’ s Entrance into Jerusalem , from 09-04-2017 . ( On Calameo ; on archive . org ; on files . fm ; on Google Drive )
Oh , sons , oh dear sons , oh , who are you , those who are dear , those with whom God is speaking to give His speech to the people ? I am saying this not to ask you and you to answer Me . I am asking so that I may give an answer and then to tell those who hear the Lord from you , and I am saying to all that you are those who have believed My word , which has come with the clouds , for the Lords comes with the clouds of word above My citadel with you so that His speaking over the earth may be written down on earth , and you are those who believe that I am the One Who comes , because I am Who I am . I am the One Who once spoke