The Word of God about the coming with the clouds The Word of God about the coming with the clouds | Page 48

He comes with the clouds
them , Who helps them , and to Whom they pray to receive what they ask for , but I do not find faith for My coming on earth , and that is why I have prepared My way to the people , I have prepared the gift of faith and I have put it in those who are receiving Me now , when My word is being set on earth , for I am sitting down on the heaven of the Romanian people , I am speaking from above and I am making Myself heard , for this is My will , because this time has come .
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Shelter of the Lord ’ s Mother , from 14- 10-2016 .
Oh , again and again I set into My today ’ s book the word of holy feast . I am becoming a book on earth during this time on the hearth of the Romanian people and by this choice I show My love for this country , prophesied through the Scriptures with the name of the country of brightness , against which the deceiving man , the antichrist , is very much hostile , because all his bunch see God the Word becoming a book and holy teaching on this hearth , so much valued and so much wanted by the heavenly armies , when I , the Lord , Jesus Christ , become a river of word here and I give life from above to the hearts that love the comfort that comes from God , that full of mercy and calling to life and food for the soul , because the soul cannot live without food , as neither the body can , and the price of a man is related to what a man loves and what he eats , either for the soul or for the body .
Oh , this country is precious for those in heaven . It is always , always the food of My word on its hearth , on this table of the feast of word from heaven . This is written : to come the Anointed One , the Lord to come on earth as word and those in the tombs to hear His word and to come to life at the hearing of His voice .
I go with the heavenly suite on the way between heaven and earth in order to come in with the glory of word on your hearth , oh My today ’ s country . I am coming to you on a white horse , like the saints with whom I am coming , as is it written about My coming with the saints , and My name is the Word of God , ( Apoc : 19 / 13 ) as John , the apostle of love and cleanness , saw Me , for he saw Me then , he saw Me how I was about to come with the saints today . ( See the selection topic : „ The apocalyptic white horse ”, r . n .) He saw the heaven opened and the white horse on which I ride , and he saw the armies in heaven riding on white horses , dressed in white linen shirts , and he also saw My shirt soaked in blood , and My name of today , the Word of God , coming out of My mouth like a sharp sword , and this will lead the nations with an iron rod ; it will overcome the beast satan and will save many who believe in the word of His mouth , as it is written .
Oh , not only in Jerusalem did I enter on the first day of the week , the second day after Lazarus ’ resurrection , but behold , I am coming into you on a white horse , too , and I am glorifying Myself in the word from your midst , My dear Romania , My today ’ s country . I have in you a small Romania , from which I watch upon you and I bless you to be Mine , and I weave a garment of glory and great victory for you , My country , given to Me by the Father when I came on earth , for the Father saw that Israel did not receive Me two thousand years ago , and then He prepared you for Me to have you in the end of the time and to fulfill in you the Scriptures of My coming again from the Father to give birth again to the world and to make the new heaven and the new earth , and I , the Lord , am working now on your hearth at this holy mystery , and I am working with the saints and angels , and We are working together helped by some faithful sons taken out of you , Romanian people , and they are set to watch at the mouth