The Word of God about the coming with the clouds The Word of God about the coming with the clouds | Page 47

He comes with the clouds
may understand the comfort and the power of My word upon them , as behold , I am calling out the trumpet upon them to fill them with watching , as I want to put them now before You and You to fill them with power to overcome all the danger which tries to catch them under it , for God gives them the wisdom from above , the waking for it and heavenly eyes to see the enemy and to stand up to overcome and to be saved from the trial which keeps on spreading in order to catch them in it and then to be in danger their salvation from the men of lying , from those that , because of their life full of pleasures and pride , bring this nations into humiliation , the Romanian people , whom We have , Father , and whom We love so much , as We have on its heart the fold of My word over the earth , My word among people , Father .
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Lord ’ s Ascension , from 21-05-2015 . ( On Calameo ; on archive . org ; on files . fm ; on Google Drive )
I would like , My people , I would like to feel together that great moment and to live from it , for behold how much glory the Lord has got and how much He keeps it within mystery when He speaks with the disciples , even if these are hard to wake from sleep and when I am preparing My glory to put it in their eyes . Oh , even if you do not see the cloud that covers Me between Me and you , or that which covers you between you and Me to be able to speak to you always , I come down in the cloud and I stay in it before you and from it I release the voice of My word and I leave on earth the word of My glory so that it may confess , and I am telling you this to warm you up in your soul and heart for My mysterious glory between Me and you and for you to desire it , My people , for I have always sat in council with you , son , and My glory has always been with you in the word , My dear people .
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Lord ’ s Transfiguration , from 19-08-
2015 . ***
The Father , the Son and the Holy Spirit ; under this name it comes on the Romanian land this word , which comes with the clouds ; the Word of God comes down from heaven , it sets on earth and shepherds those who come to be shepherded , all those who long after God in this time .
I am bowing down and kissing the Romanian land , the place where I am setting down My word , the citadel which I have brought into view and which I have a shelter now , in the end of the time , and behold , as I ascended to the Father two thousand years ago , after I had finished the work for which I came as a Man born on earth , oh , in the same way I am descending , according to the word prophesied by those in heaven , on My day of ascension to the Father .
I come in the clouds of the heaven , not in the clouds of the earth . I come in the clouds of light . Either if it is daytime or darkness on earth , I , the Lord , am shrouded by the light and I penetrate with it as the lightning goes in the sky among the foggy clouds set between heaven and earth , which suddenly give light into the darkness of the day or night , for this is how it is written for Me to come , and the miracle of My coming as word on earth comes perfectly according to the book , the word by which I prepare My shelter of the day of My glory , the Lord ’ s glory , and when I give each one according to his works , for this is how it is written for Me to fulfill .
Two thousand years ago , I asked Myself : will I still find faith on earth when I come ? Oh , everywhere people are heard to say that they have faith and that they have the Lord with