The Word of God about the coming with the clouds The Word of God about the coming with the clouds | Page 46

He comes with the clouds
spoken from the cloud and confessed that I was His Son . I am coming with the cloud of the Lord and I am confessed as at that time , when the two men spoke with Me on the day when I shone on the mountain before My disciples , and when , again , two men spoke about Me to those who were with Me on the day when the cloud took Me up out of their sight and put Me on the right side of the Father in heavens to be with the comfort of the Father near My people to the end of the time .
Oh , it is not hard My mysteries to be believed , My words , in which I hide Myself with My glory , after so much and so wonderfully I proved Myself on the earth among people as the Son of the Father , being confessed by those in heaven who were on the right and on the left of My visible glory when they appeared . It has remained to man to believe or not to believe what those in heaven and My disciples on earth confessed , those who saw the miracle of the cloud of the Lord ’ s glory , and who , by My sending , went afterwards to all the margins with the news about Me . The appearance of My glory happened in a high mountain , to be as clean as possible the place of the descent of My glory that confessed Me from the Father and through the Father , as in the glory in which the Father was descending , in that glory I was also comprised ; I in the Father and the Father in Me , a cloud of the Lord ’ s glory and mystery , the mystery which covers the Lord from above , the glory which I have had from the Father before the foundation of the world as it is written . Amen !
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord ’ s Ascension , from 13-06-2013 . ( On Calameo ; on archive . org ; on files . fm ; on Google Drive )
I am welcomed in the feasts , after the watching that I set it to meet Me , and I am only watching for My descending as word on earth .
I am the Lord Jesus Christ . I am coming down again on earth because it is the end of the time . Now , after two thousand years , forty days from My resurrection , the cloud of the Lord ’ s glory took Me and brought Me up to the Father and I went to stand on His right side , where My place was from eternity , and the angels of My glory told those who were present there : « This Jesus Who was received up from you into the sky will come back in the same way as you saw Him going into the sky ». ( Acts : 1 / 11 ) Oh , this is how I am coming now , in the end of the time ; as it was prophesied , so I am coming . I am coming on the cloud of glory , and from it I am coming down over the earth . In the midst of the little garden of My word on the hearth of the Romanian people , the place I have prepared , this is where My voice is descending , and the word of My mouth is set into its book and then I am shared over the earth .
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Lord ’ s Meeting , from 15-02-2014 . ***
I am setting the table of word on the hearth of the Romanian people and I am calling at the table with Me the sons of this nation and I am blessing from the right side of My Father My speaking of today , oh , and My Father is blessing the whole work of My word on a day of the feast of the Ascension , a day of holy memorial , because I , the Lord Jesus Christ , as I ascended so I will come , and behold , I will come on the clouds , as it is written .
Oh , My Father Sabaoth , I am coming on the cloud of word , and You are My word and its power , and I am bringing to You on this day fervent prayer and by it I am asking You to be with Your power in the sons of the Romanian people as You are in Me , oh , Father , so that they