The Word of God about the coming with the clouds The Word of God about the coming with the clouds | Page 45

He comes with the clouds
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the laying of the foundation stone of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem , from 22-07-2012 .
— The spirit of truth is this river of word . On this way I , God the Father , am sending My Son , the Only One born of Me before eternity , and He is becoming word over the land on the hearth of the Romanian land , now , in the end of the time , and He is preparing the way of His glory , the new heaven and the new earth and a new people , for His kingdom will have no end , as it is written , and My Son is of one Being with the Father , by Whom everything has been done . Amen .
I , the Father Sabaoth , am making Your entrance into Your book of today on a day of prophetic memorial , Son Jesus . Two thousand years ago , I spoke with You before the people and I made it known then that You were My beloved Son with Whom I , the Father Sabaoth , was well pleased both in heaven and on earth . I listened to your tearful prayer on earth and I glorified You with great light surrounding You and I glorified You in My word from above , coming down above You from the clouds before the people , because We go in the clouds and We speak from the clouds on earth , for We are God , oh dear Son , and the heaven is Our walking . Then We showed the people how the Son speaks with the Father and the Father with the Son , and those who heard , they confessed and their confession is true . Oh , in the same way I , the Father , glorify You on earth , the same today , dear Son .
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Saint prophet Elijah , from 02-08-2012 . ( On Calameo ; on archive . org ; on files . fm ; on Google Drive )
I am writing down teaching of faith into the book on a day that celebrates My ascension to the Father two thousand years ago , when I went to stand on the right side of the Father . I drew My disciples to Bethany , on the Mount of Olives , after for forty days I had been appearing before them speaking with them the mysteries of God ’ s kingdom and commanding them to stay near Jerusalem and wait for the Father ’ s promise , as then I told them : « But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you . You will be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem , in all Judea and Samaria , and to the uttermost parts of the earth ». ( Acts : 1 / 8 ) And when I had said these things , as they were looking , I was taken up and a cloud received Me out of their sight and took Me to the Father . And while they were looking steadfastly into the sky as I went , behold , two men stood by them in the white clothing , who said : « This Jesus , Who was received up from you into the sky will come back in the same way as you saw Him going into the sky ». ( Acts : 1 / 11 )
The cloud of the Lord ’ s glory , the cloud that came and overshadowed Me when I went into the mountain with the disciples for prayer and I shined before them in great glory and there were two men on both of My sides , and after that the cloud of the Lord ’ s glory went away and I remained in the same way My disciples knew I was , after My Father confessed Me from the cloud that I was His Son , so that My disciples could know who I was , the One Who was walking with them from place to place working godly signs upon people and heavenly power , by which I was doing miracles . Oh , this cloud of glory was in My day too when I ascended to the Father before the eyes of My disciples .
Oh , I am coming in the same way today . I am coming with the cloud of My glory , which is carrying Me covering Me and revealing Me in the word , and My Father has