The Word of God about the coming with the clouds The Word of God about the coming with the clouds | Page 44

He comes with the clouds
head visibly , and the Lord will carry you in His chariot of victory , as it is written , and then we will give to each other the comfort after the victory for which we have been working hard and for which have been waiting by working hard . Amen .
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord ’ s Mother ’ s Assumption , from 28-08-2011 .
Oh , My dear Father , Father Sabaoth , glorify Yourself in Your Son , Father , so that the world may know that You have sent Me ! Remind the people of My second coming , which the angels proclaimed that it would come and they pointed it two thousand years ago by their word spoken over My disciples on the day of My ascension near You , dear Father , and behold , I am coming as I ascended . I am coming , I am standing in the clouds of glory and they are covering Me within a mystery and they allow only My voice to be heard , for I am the Word of God , Your word , Father . In the midst of Your people and Mine , I am comforting Your being and I am getting comforted by comforting You , oh , dear Father , for the Holy Spirit the Comforter is union between Us , Father . Amen .
— It is a feast with much glory on this day , oh , My dear Son , for the Trinity of Our godhead was confessed with power and glory on the fiftieth day after Your resurrection from the dead , and on that day tongues of Holy Spirit descended over Your confessing disciples , and even the Holy Spirit confessed them , as You promised them on the day when You ascended to Me from near them with Your resurrected body .
We kiss the country of Your coming , bowing Our forehead to the ground in the gardens of the blessing in the end of the time for Your coming again among the people as word and longing of Holy Spirit , Savior Son . Behold , You have a people of disciples and You always feed them from Your mouth , and they serve Your glory , for You glory with them is Your word upon them , and with which You overflow over the earth .
Excerpt from the Word of God on the eighth Sunday after Passover , the feast of the Holy Spirit ’ s descent , from 03-06-2012 . ( On Calameo ; on archive . org ; on files . fm ; on Google Drive )
With each one of My coming down as word on earth , I , the Lord , have to tell about Me , Who I am . I am Who I am . I am the Alpha and the Omega , and I am the Word of the Father Sabaoth over the earth , I speak from the air and I sit on the throne of cherubim , and the seraphim sing the hymn of the Lord ’ s praise : Holy , holy , holy is the Lord God , the Father Sabaoth and His Son the Only One begotten of Him , and the Word of the Holy Spirit ; the heaven and the earth is full of His greatness ! Amen .
Only those who have the light in them , only they are those who know Me and receive Me in this word , for I am the light of the world when I have a word to speak , when I have to speak over the earth and so that My word may be written and then shared further . With each of My descending it would be to make every man understand My today ’ s way , My walking and My word set by My mouth on earth and into its book so that My name and My word may be known . I am coming down as word , I am coming down on the clouds and I am speaking from the air , and the clouds of My glory are My cover when My voice is heard for My word to be written down , and its root is in Me .