The Word of God about the coming with the clouds The Word of God about the coming with the clouds | Page 51

He comes with the clouds
Whenever I lower My word into its today ’ s book I am accompanied by My saints , as on this day . I am glorifying Myself among the saints with the bishops , not separated among those in heaven : Basil , Gregory and John , oh , and their reward is sweet among those in heaven and they are not separated ; they are close My companions for My coming as word on earth after two thousand years , as My Father has sent Me again to work ; to make a new heaven and a new earth , the new birth of the world as it is written , and I am working mysteriously , and the same do with My saints , with whom I am walking to come .
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Three Saint Hierarchs : Basil , Gregory and John , from 12-02-2021 .
It is your day and Mine and We have the feast for My birth on earth , My mother , but near Us , Who are celebrated , My today ’ s country is celebrated as well , the country of My second coming from near the Father after the man , mother . There is no one among the wise one who understand and see then the fulfilled Scripture of My return to the people , as the messengers from heaven told My disciples on the day of My ascension from their presence to the Father that I would come back in the same way as I went to the place of My heavenly glory so that I may come again at the fullness of time , the time that gives Me back to the people , oh , My mother .
Oh , behold how mysteriously I have come and keep coming ! Is there anyone on earth to read once again with his eyes wide open My coming again on earth as I went up into the heaven on the clouds of the Lord ’ s glory and then to believe that I am coming in this way ?
I set faith and a place of welcome and I have come , as it is written for Me to come , and My today ’ s coming country has received Me and this happened and happens mysteriously , mother . I am coming with the clouds , as I went up to the Father and I am releasing My voice from above , from the clouds , and I am coming near with great care and protecting from all sides the mystery and the work in order to come and to make Myself heard and set into My today ’ s book , which I have shared over the earth page by page in order to feed the multitudes and for some to take from others the word of My mouth by which I shepherd . ( See the selection topic : „ About the Book of the Lamb - The Book of Life ”, r . n .)
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Lord ’ s Birth – the second day : The Synod of the Lord ’ s Mother , from 08-01-2022 ( N . S .) ( 26-12-2021 - Old style / after the Julian calendar 32 ) ( On Calameo ; on archive . org ; on files . fm ; on Google Drive )
https :// www . scribd . com / document / 394547073 / The-Word-of-God-about-the-glory-of-the-God https :// archive . org / details / TheWordOfGodAboutTheGloryOfTheGod https :// drive . google . com / open ? id = 1uHcpFjPmjMtWvzxXwBkG60Dyek6rnW8X https :// app . box . com / s / njwjxq7dgznu5dp716tqsqku1j413nrg http :// www . mediafire . com / file / v7v1fkf6dkz6k4d
Old Style ( O . S .) and New Style ( N . S .) ( http :// en . wikipedia . org / wiki / Old _ Style _ and _ New _ Style _ dates ) are sometimes used with dates to indicate either whether the start of the Julian year has been adjusted to start on 1 January ( N . S .) even though documents written at the time use a different start of year ( O . S .), or whether a date conforms to the Julian calendar ( O . S .), formerly in use in many countries , rather than the Gregorian ( N . S .)
The Church Calendar ( in Romania ) up to 1924 was the same as that of Nicaea , based on severe apostolic canons , but in 1924 , the Scripture of the prophet Daniel was fulfilled : « the people made bold to even change the times », when the primate metropolitan - of that time , Miron Cristea , ( Primate metropolitan = ( in the past ) a title given to the first metropolitan of a country ; today it would be equal to that of a patriarch ) introduced the Gregorian Calendar ( Catholic ) as result of a „ pan-Orthodox ” congress that took place in 1923 , in Constantinople . At that