The Word of God about the coming with the clouds The Word of God about the coming with the clouds | Page 36

He comes with the clouds
you have become a stairway to the angels who carry Me and become My entrance and the entrance of My saints , My people . Oh , this is how I have always taught you how to stand before Me , how to behave and how to feel My closeness and the closeness between Me and you , for man is afraid , and he does no longer understand or feel God , and that is why man has no longer got any share with God , My people .
Oh , son , oh , son , My woe is like God ’ s woe and it is not like that of man , but if man behaves with Me as one who is bigger than Me and puts Me down for himself , oh , he cannot understand My woe but only then when I bring him face to face with My pain from him , then when he departs from his body and stands before Me to see his life and deed , which judges his life for good or for evil . I have taught you , My people , how you are supposed to stand before Me and I have told you how I stand before you , for the angels told the disciples , when I ascended : « He will come back as you saw Him ascending into heaven ». ( Acts : 1 / 11 )
My people , you should not take in vain this mystery , you should not treat it as the man who does not have God , but you should rather seek to understand how to stand before Me by My descent to you , for the cherubim serve Me from the Father to your ear , My people . Pray to Me so that I may make you wise for My mysteries of fire , as from your ear and to your mind and heart I have always done much and big work before you , and I see those who carry Me , those who keep Me so that I may be able to speak to you , I see how they struggle near you to make you perceive and the mysteries of My coming to perceive you as well , and they work like that for your own good , and they wear themselves out before you to make you stay within Me and to be able to work within Me and that I may also work within you according to My will , according to My expectation .
I sneak towards you with power of word even if the spirit and the power of My bearers are weak and feared because of your lack of whole understanding of My dwelling in them for My coming to you , son , My people . The promise I made through My angels on the day of My ascension , while in the presence of My disciples I ascended to the Father on the clouds of cherubim , this promise has been fulfilled into your midst , for so I come , as My disciples saw Me ascending into heaven , I come and pass to you , and you do not know how to take My mysteries , which are seen only by faith , only by the eyes of the spirit , only with the sight of love , sons . Oh , you should not have any expectations of Me , for it is I who am supposed to have expectations of you for the understanding of My mysteries so that I may give you My coming . Oh , seek , simple son , seek to see if you can measure yourself to My coming to you , and then only that you may treat it as you treat the man and if your mind and conduct do not know how to do this , then bow your head and be afraid because of your lack of knowledge in respect with those from above , which come down to man to take him to them if the man does not know to come with propriety before Me for his salvation and then for My work with him .
… Oh , My people , My ascension into heaven from near My disciples is the mystery of My descent to you , today . This is how I come ; as I ascended . This is how I ascended , as I am coming to you now , and I have witnesses between you and Me , and they confess Me from margins to margins , as My disciples also confessed Me two thousand years ago , and My coming of today is great , My people , and you have to know well about it , and you need to become wise from it and to turn from man into God and no longer remain man and that is all . The one who believes in Me does no longer have to remain only a man and that is all , but he has to become God ’ s dwelling place among people , God ’ s stairway among the brothers who listen to God , as I had worked through the angels before men , as I also worked on the day of My ascension ,