The Word of God about the coming with the clouds The Word of God about the coming with the clouds | Page 35

He comes with the clouds
come and to be with the sons who are like Me , and then they will see as I am , as it is written . Amen .
Oh , My people , when I see Myself in you as I am , then I come visibly , but you should not want this , and rather you should work this , for the whole of My coming waits for your face , not for Me , not for My coming , and it is written : « The whole creature waits with eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed , for those like Him and who will see Him , when they will see each other , God will see them and they will see God , they will be able to see each other », for this is written and it has to be fulfilled what is written , My people . Amen , amen , amen .
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Synod of the Lord ’ s Mother , from 08-01-2008 . ( On Calameo ; on archive . org ; on files . fm ; on Google Drive )
Oh , Romanian nations , I am sitting on the clouds of glory and speaking above you , and My word is coming down in its book , which is open into your midst and receives Me so that I may be able to be your Teacher , now in the end of the time , when I come again from the Father as word to make the man . Oh , Romanian people , the Lord is the word of eternal life on your hearth . Take My word and give it life in you , for the city that works its love of God , that one has got the mystery of love and its work and the heavenly powers watching upon it , and the angelic armies , ministering for it , and the hosts of saints , overcoming for its life . Oh , son , I exhort you to the love for God , but you should be wise , Romanian son , for you cannot love God anyhow , but you can keep God as your God only with your holy life , for the love for God means faithfulness , and this works holiness before the loved One . Oh , do no longer waste your treasure , for soon , soon , I , the Lord , will call you to account for your life , for the treasure God has put in each man , and which the man has to present it before the Lord , adorned like a bride for her bridegroom .
Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of the prodigal son , from 24-02-2008 . ( On Calameo ; on archive . org ; on Google Drive )
I am the Lord , Jesus Christ and I come down on the clouds of cherubim , as I also ascended into heaven , from near the disciples , on the invisible wings of the cherubim , which took Me away from their eyes when I went with them up on the Mount of Olivet . I have given them the promise of the Holy Spirit , Who will come upon them to give them power and to be My witnesses in Jerusalem , in Judea , in Samaria and to all the margins , and then I ascended before them , and the cloud of cherubim took Me away from their eyes ; and while I was ascending to the Father , with them looking after Me , there stood near them two men clothed in white garments and spoke to them : « This Jesus , Who was received up from you into the sky will come back in the same way as you saw Him going into the sky ». ( Acts : 1 / 11 )
I am the Lord , Jesus Christ , My people , and I have been speaking upon you for a long , long time , and I have been speaking much . Be afraid to the joy of My Spirit , Who cries because of the man ’ s lack of wisdom , for when I ascended from the disciples up into the sky , the cherubim carried Me , and then they covered Me with their wings and two angels took form before My disciples and told them on the Mount of Olivet the mystery of My coming again on the earth in the same way as I ascended . Be afraid , you who are standing today before My word to hear it , for the cloud of cherubim carries Me to you when I speak to you , and I pass to you with them when I become word before you , and those through whom I come down to