The Word of God about the coming with the clouds The Word of God about the coming with the clouds | Page 34

He comes with the clouds
The kingdom of one thousand years 25 ”, r . n .) Oh , My people , get used to have Me and My teaching upon you , for I know to give Myself over to you as the wisdom of My kingdom , only for you to know to wait for Me and to receive Me , for I give Myself over to you at your desire , and I come down in the way with everything you need to do , to believe and to have , and with everything I can do in order to be in you , and then from you all over you , for My kingdom is everything I want to give you , and then to have you as My glorified dwelling place before the people , because I have meant you to be dear and bright in such a way that the people may see you and come and receive of My glory and then to come towards it , My people . Amen , amen , amen .
The Word of God at the feast of the Lord ’ s Ascension , from 01-06-2006 ( On Calameo ; on archive . org ; on files . fm ; on Google Drive )
My people , My word upon you is the comfort of the saints and of the angels , and it is My comfort as well . Oh , My people , the Lord your God is comforted when He has someone to speak on the earth with . Peace to you , My people ! I am above you with the glory of My word and I stand in the clouds of cherubim with the heavenly hosts and I comfort Myself in a day of the feast of the memorial of My birth among people . Two thousand years ago , I came on the earth being born as a baby from the Virgin , and I did not do this until first I had announced Myself through the prophets , starting with Moses and then , on the day of My birth in Bethlehem , I announced Myself through the angels to the shepherds from the sheep , and then I appeared newly born to the three Magi that had come from far away and to whom I revealed by the star of My birth that I would come with heavenly glory on the earth , full of mysterious glory and that My birth would cause opposition among those who were the rulers of the time , who love glory from people , glory for which the man cannot love God , My people , but you should take a look to learn how to be God ’ s son , just as I am , for behold , the people on the earth did not know how to be pleased to God , and they do not know to love God ’ s glory ; the people do not know this , My people .
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord ’ s Birth , from 07-01-2007 ( On Calameo ; on archive . org ; on files . fm ; on Google Drive )
You shall not despise the spirit of prophecy , sons . Learn to receive God , as Master over you in all your time and moving , and you will be small , those who are humble like God , those born of God , those taught by God . Learn the mystery of virginity , for My mother , the Virgin , carried Me in her and had a virgin body . Amen . The one who carries Me in him like My mother Virgin , that one becomes young in his body and by God ’ s word , Who comes in and then out , and glorifies Himself with His work , make the man into God ’ s glory , a glory that does not crave after glory , but after God , and this is how I want you to give birth on the earth by the word of My making through the spirit of prophesy , which rules from Me , and such a kingdom I want to set before Me when I come , so that I may come , My people , to
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