The Word of God about the coming with the clouds The Word of God about the coming with the clouds | Page 37

He comes with the clouds
when the angels came into My way , in the heaven above and on the earth below , and they testified about Me and worked for Me like sons .
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord ’ s ascension , from 05-06-2008 . ***
I come down on the clouds of cherubim between heaven and earth and I become word of Holy Spirit ; I become wisdom and I become comfort and power for those who hear My word . I am the Lord ! The bodiless cherubim cover the glory of My body resurrected from the dead , which was set again within the Father , and My glory is seen with the eyes of the spirit , just as the bodiless angels are seen , as the sky . My mystery and that of those which are not seen , this means the truth , and the eyes of the spirit are those that see the things that are not seen , the eyes of the spirit see , then the heart knows , and the heart is that which sets in man the feeling and the knowledge of those that are not seen , and thus is how man comes to live the truth . Amen .
I am Who I am . The Word of God is called My name in these days , when I am coming again from the Father to man to complete the work of My coming after two thousand years from My first coming among the people on earth , and the Romanian land is the cradle of My word , as the sky is the cradle of My body carried by the bodiless cherubim , and who have the sky as their homeland . Amen .
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Holy Spirit ’ s Descent , from 15-06-
2008 . ***
I , the Lord , come down on earth on the clouds of cherubim over My people into the midst of the Romanian people , and I set My food over it before the people so that they may hear of the God ’ s glory in these days , for two thousand years ago I said : « You will see the Son of Man ascending and descending », for I went to the Father in order to come back again with the spirit of comfort on earth , and this is how I am coming , as I promised that I come . Amen .
I am coming on clouds of cherubim and I am using My gates to enter as word into My book of today , and the gates are opening at My voice and this is how I am coming in to feed you from Me , My today ’ s people . Oh , open for Me to come into your being and listen to My word and fulfill it , for I am this word , I and My fulfillment , which I want to be in you in a great measure , My people . I speak with you sweeter and more beautiful then I spoke with Israel when I had Moses between Me and it , for you are at the end of the time ; you are not at the beginning , and you need much comfort and much power to be able to be with God , for the evil spirit is worse than anytime and that is why it has become worse and worse , more wounded and more upset . However , you should not be afraid , people nourished by God , for I , the Lord has always given you My hand and I pass you over pains in My arms over the troubles and waves that try to swallow you and I have always cleaned your face and your little garment , for I know the hard time , as its poison is written into the Scripture and you cannot avoid it , but you can prevail against it with God , for I need a victorious people , now , at the end of the time , because I have to fulfill the Scriptures of the resurrection of the dead , and then the life of the age to come after the man ’ s ages , and I need you , My people . Oh , let any sort of wind blow , but you stay close to My bosom , for I am God and I can do everything , only for you to be able to believe in Me , to listen to Me and to comfort Me , because I feed you with the spirit of comfort and I give you the gift of holiness , and you , as a baby , come to My bosom and learn