The Word of God about the coming with the clouds The Word of God about the coming with the clouds | Page 30

He comes with the clouds
man ’ s heart and to be carried by the wind of the Holy Spirit and to appear as flames of fire among the people , for that is why I founded Jerusalem and I called it new and I called it this way so that those that have been by this time to pass away , because those that are not are visible and those that are visible are not . Amen .
Oh , do not love those that are not but love only those that are , sons , and learn what a mystery you are and do believe in this mystery to shine with it over the earth seven times more than the sun , for the Holy Spirit and His temples on earth are the sun and the moon 24 that keep watch over the new heaven and the new earth , as it is written into the Scriptures about the new citadel , which has no need for the sun , neither of the moon , to shine , for the very glory of God illuminated it , and its torch is the Lamb , and the nations will walk in its light and the kings of the earth bring the glory and honor of their nations into it . ( See Apoc : 21 / 23-24 )
My life in man is God ’ s commandment written with fire on earth . Show yourself in Me , for it is the time of the appearance of God ’ s glory ! Show Me in you , for great and glorified is the mystery of My life in man , the mystery of the disciple of God ’ s Lamb , and get used , My people , to your life every moment , for death means everything that is not life , and you should be only life on earth , only word of Holy Spirit , and you should be wholly within Me and I within you , for it is the time of the Lord ’ s appearance on earth , My people , people of the new age on earth . I have separated the ages with you , New Jerusalem , and I have spoken to the nations of the earth about this mystery , and you should be the sign of the mystery of eternal life and you should live this way before Me , and always , always you should make My coming into your midst , so that I may make you My coming and to appear with you to everyone , and the entire heaven and the entire earth to see My coming with you , child confessing of life and of its mysteries on earth . Amen , amen , amen .
Excerpt from the Word of God , thirteen years from the laying down of the foundation stone of the Holy of Holies of New Jerusalem , from 22-07-2004 . ( On Calameo ; on archive . org ; on files . fm ; on Google Drive )
no more exist among the people who walk in My light and who will always be in contact with the angels of Heaven and associate with them . Here you have now a real answer to your question ." … Now “ heaven ” means the true belief of the word which is the “ Church ” in it genuineness . The sign of the Son of Man , however , is the again newly awakened love in this Church , with all its attributes like mercy , patience , gentleness , humility , acquiescence , obedience and acceptance of all afflictions of the cross . Behold , this living sign of the son of man will appear in the sky of the inner eternal life and will not kill but exceedingly enliven .
At such an occasion the “ tribes of the earth addicted to the world ” will howl , moan and lament as all their hellish deception consisting of the uncountable products for sale and for purchase will not be wanted anymore . The reason is the people of My sign will have little to do with the world dreamers , the traders and the money changers .
These will turn their eyes only where they will see the “ Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with great power and glory ” – which is the living Word in the heart of man or My eternal love in its fullness which therefore is of “ great power and glory ”. And the “ clouds of heaven ” is the endless Wisdom Itself in this living Word . See , this is the brief understanding of this gospel text !” ( Excerpts from The New Revelation about the second coming of Jesus Christ through Jakob Lorber and Gottfried Mayerhofer )
Regarding the significance of the sun , moon and stars , see Genesis : 37 / 9-10 . Today : the sun is head of the church - the Patriarch ( or Pope of Rome for Catholics ), moon , those dealing with domestic issues , community - that priests and our brothers are stars falling ( spades ) from the kingdom of heaven because they have no true shepherds to care for them , r . n .