The Word of God about the coming with the clouds The Word of God about the coming with the clouds | Page 29

He comes with the clouds
upon the earth . After my skin is destroyed , then in my flesh shall I see God , Whom I , even I , shall see on my side . My eyes shall see , and not as a stranger . “ My heart is consumed within me .”» ( Job : 19 / 25-27 ) Oh , he spoke so right about Me , and how much and how truly he confessed Me , and I lifted him again and I made him a body again , and Job saw My glory with his own eyes , with his newly made body , and then he received his honor and glory , which he had from My hand by his righteousness , for I loved him and I spoke well of him in heaven and on earth , and after I tore him , I brought him to life again for this longing was consuming within him . But the man does no longer have any longing after his resurrection and he does no longer have faith that I am and I do not pass away and I come going as Daniel the prophet spoke about Me : « The Son of Man , Who comes on the clouds of the heaven and Whose dominion is everlasting and shall not pass away , and the saints of the Most High shall possess it forever and ever ». ( Dan : 7 / 14 , 18 ) Amen .
Excerpt from the Word of God on the Saturday of the memorial of those who are asleep , from 14-02-2004
Behold a feast of word , a day of memorial , when I , the Lord , stretched out the tent with a strong hand upon you , children anointed in this time by the hand of the Lord and of His angels . I am the One Who has the clouds as ascending and descending , walking on the wings of the winds and making My angels spirits and My servants flames of fire . In the beginning I founded the earth and its foundation and it will not be thrown down forever . In the end I will found a new heaven , a new earth and a New Jerusalem , as it is written , and that which is new makes what was before to pass away , and I founded a throne for Myself , and out of the throne I speak the word over the earth and I make My winds messengers and the flames of fire My servants , as I did on the mountain before Moses when wrote the commandments of life with flames of fire . This is how I will also work out the heaven and the earth in the end and I adjust Myself with the work of the Holy Spirit so that you may carry it , sons . However , the spirit of My word is also a flame of fire today and there is faith in those who have it as their worker from Me over those who are sanctified , and blessed , seven thousand times blessed are those who believe and sanctify themselves for Me , the One Who have the clouds as ascending and descending and I walk on the wings of the winds with the angels and with a chariot of fire . Amen .
Oh children who have become wise by the word of life , life is a commandment , sons , and I have told you to exhort the sons of the chosen people to be a flame of the Holy Spirit and the people to be as in the kingdom of the heavens and not as on earth , because I wrote the commandments of life with flames of fire , and the life has to be the fulfillment of the commandments of life . Amen . Day by day you should speak the commandments of life and their mysteries and their work in you and speak about your work everywhere , children of the new kingdom . I want to make you on earth the clouds 23 of My ascending and descending for the
„ At My second coming I will not be born somewhere as a child from a woman because this body will remain glorified in eternity - just as I in Spirit - and thus I do not ever need a 2nd body as you had in mind .
First I will come invisibly in the clouds of the Heavens , which means : first I will come close to men by truthful seers , wise men and newly awakened prophets , and in that time also woman will prophecy and young men will have clear dreams by which they will announce My coming to the people , and many will listen to it and improve their life , but the world will call them daydreamers and will not believe them , as this was also the case with the prophets .
… But in this land where I am now persecuted by the Jews of the temple as a criminal from one village to the other , and which is trampled down by dark heathens , I will personally not first act , teach and comfort the weak again . But in the lands of another continent that is now inhabited by heathens I will establish a new Kingdom , a Kingdom of peace , of unity , of love and of continuous living faith . Fear for the death of the body will