The Word of God about the coming with the clouds The Word of God about the coming with the clouds | Page 31

He comes with the clouds
Oh , I have come as God born from heaven and from the earth in a place called holy , and still I was not able to live with the man in the image and under the name of God , the Son of the Father Sabaoth , by which I came down on earth to confess Myself by death on the cross and by resurrection , if by the birth from the Virgin I was not received by the people as the Son Who came from God from heaven after the man . Now I have become word on earth , and the clouds of My heaven keep Me with the glory of My word , but I cannot put aside the distance between Me and man , and I cannot because of those that are close to the man and in which the man believes seeing and calling them true , the truth in which the man has been drowning for seven thousand years and he has not got above them to see My face , My glory , and to have the desire to be My glory and that I may be his glory , and both of us to have the same work , the same feeling and gentleness , and that the Father may no longer cry out of My mercy , of My sufferance , of My coming after the man as mysterious God , whispering to the man that I have come to ask him to receive Me , to wait for Me and to believe Me when I tell him that it is hard for the heaven and for the earth without God on earth with the man .
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord ’ s Meeting ( Candlemas ), from 15- 02-2005 . ( On Calameo ; on archive . org ; on files . fm ; on Google Drive )
Oh , how much I long to speak with the man on earth ! No matter how much I would speak , My longing is without death , without end , My people . This longing is word , for the word is the measure of the longing , and I am without end and I am the Word , My people , and I long to speak and I long to confess it . When I was with the disciples in the world , I could not appease all My longing , for I was in the flesh and I wanted to testify about Myself , because this is how it is on earth when you are . But now , My longing flows like a river from heaven , for this time , which has been waited for ages , has come . I Myself become power of Holy Spirit from the Father and I testify about Myself on earth , and I am in the Father and fulfill that Scripture by which I said that I would go to the Father in order to come back again . Oh , it is not otherwise that Scripture , which speaks about the Holy Spirit , the messenger over the man , and it is not as the priests of the church speak , as though they would speak from the Holy Spirit , for there is not in the Holy Spirit what they say that the Holy Spirit works in churches . And I tell you this : this word is the Holy Spirit , promised by the Father that He would come on earth , and from Whom I gave power to My disciples two thousand years ago and they confessed Me to the creatures by all that I had worked into their midst , as long as I lived on earth within all My mystery among people . When I ascended into heaven , I reminded them of the Father ’ s promise when I was telling them : « I go so that I may be able to come again . I go and I will send you the Comforter , Who will take and will tell to you from what is Mine ». ( See John : 16 / 13 , 15 ) Now I Myself from heaven , from the midst of My disciples , I Myself confess on earth , for the angels of My ascension told those who were looking at Me : « As you saw Him
going into the sky will come back in the same way ». ( Acts : 1 / 11 ) And speaking over them I ascended into the sky , and a cloud came and covered Me , and I , am speaking now from the sky , for I come with the clouds as I ascended , as the angels of My ascension said that I would come .
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord ’ s Ascension . The feast of the birth of the holy Virginia , from 09-06-2005 .
In a feast of My ascension into the Father , I am coming down to you as word and I coming down into the book , people of My coming on the earth . I wake you up with My word , because I have been working for fifty years by the word and by the fulfillment of the word to