The Jesuit Refugee Centre Parramatta
Every Christmas , the entire team gets together and donates dry , canned and preserved food to this centre ( a huge number of trolleys are filled and donated ). They get their clients involved and ask them to donate any items they can afford to spare along with the office also donating $ 15,000 this financial year to a cause that helps those from war torn countries trying to get a better life or who can not afford food at all .
The Catholic Foundation
A foundation that helps struggling families and people within Ray White Castle Hill ’ s local Parramatta Diocese . They assist with a huge range of support from grief , trauma , loss counselling , drug and alcohol , young parents , support to single mothers , they have even helped people who lost everything in floods , bushfires etc and so many other issues a lot face in today ' s world . As a business , they have donated $ 10,000 this financial year to this incredible cause .
The Hills Relay For Life & The Hills Relay Gala Ball
The 24-hour event has been running for 22 years and has raised more than $ 5 million for cancer research and support programs over
that time such as a popular well known cause , The Cancer Council .
Ray White Castle Hill has paid for and sponsored one of the food tents which is at the centre of where people go to enjoy food , coffee and have a chat while taking a break from the relay or while walking or browsing the stalls and listening to the entertainment . The Ray White Castle Hill team were very excited to be major sponsors and participants in the most recent relay in May .
The Hills Relay For Life Ball at Castle Hill RSL
This popular annual event is attended by politicians , local businesses and locals passionate about this cause . This year , the team has committed to being the year ' s major sponsors for this event as well as the Relay for Life . They have also invited sales trainer and auctioneer James Kerley who has donated his time as an auctioneer for the event . Ten members of the team are expected to attend and represent the whole office at this event .
Together Wellbeing Initiative : A Framework For Your Business
Congratulations Ray White Castle Hill on their recent award . We ’ re proud to see the important work they ’ re doing to support their members ' wellbeing .
Through our own wellbeing experience , we recognise the significant impact it can have on team engagement and overall organisational success . By fostering a healthy work environment , you can build greater resilience , increase productivity and promote a positive culture that truly enhances people ' s lives .
Over the last two years , Samantha White has worked tirelessly alongside many passionate corporate team members ( our Wellbeing Champions ) to deploy our corporate wellbeing initiative : Together .
An important first step was to relaunch an Employee Assistance Program ( EAP ) and conduct Mental Health First Aid training , both of which are fundamental to a good workplace wellbeing initiative .
We ’ re proud to say that we ’ ve seen an incredible shift in the way our team members across Australia and New Zealand interact with , and support , each other . We ’ re more connected , community focused , engaged and empathetic . Together has brought us closer together .
The next exciting step is to share our knowledge and recommendations with you . Through partnering with industry leaders such a Black Dog Institute , PeopleSense , Mental Health First Aid Australia and many more , we have developed an evidence-based framework ; The Together Wellbeing Playbook . The playbook details our strategy as well as shares easy-tofollow processes based on our own key learnings .
We ’ re eager to share the playbook and plenty of resources with you over the coming months .
However , if you have any questions or recognise that members in your team need mental health support now , then please get in touch .
Contact us at together @ raywhite . com . au For more information , head to the Together Wellbeing Initiative page on Whiteboard .
If your in a crisis , please call Lifeline Australia on 13 11 14 or Lifeline NZ on 0800 LIFELINE ( 0800 543 354 )