Where culture shines
The Ray White Castle Hill team
As a business Ray White Castle Hill has put an emphasis on making themselves the employer of choice in the real estate industry . Their philosophy is , success is determined not just on an arbitrary financial goal or individual achievement , but a more holistic approach .
By living their values , Ray White Castle Hill recently secured the People and Culture Program of the Year at the 2023 REB Awards . In addition they were also recently a finalist for the Best Places to Work at the AFR BOSS Awards .
“ To win the REB award is a great honour and for a residential real estate office to even be in the running for the second award is a great achievement ,” Ray White Castle Hill Director Phil Kelly said .
Sales agent Sara Perry said the reality is that we are very lucky to work for incredible people and receive invaluable and consistent support and mentorship on a daily basis as well as support outside of business related matters .
“ Being an employee of Ray White Castle Hill , I can speak about how we are all so supported from the very top . As an employee we have access to personal , health and emotional support and incentives ,” she said .
“ We have around the clock access to the EAP Program which is a professional counselling service that addresses all forms of trauma , anxiety , grief , loss and hardship .
“ Whether it be financial , work related or personal or even a curiosity to grow yourself with business coaching , each staff member has access to six sessions , completely paid for by the business that would gladly offer more assistance should anyone need it ..
“ We also have great in-house incentives to get fit and healthy , such as payment towards gym memberships or sporting goals . Management also gets involved to ensure the employee is sticking to their goals and provides assistance and ongoing support in such a demanding industry .”
The Ray White Castle Hill team are also committed to giving back to their local community . They are involved in a number of community partnerships and charities and were winners of the Community Award at the 2021-22 Ray White New South Wales awards .
Ronald McDonald House Greater Western Sydney
The Ray White Castle Hill team has attended a number of events held by this non-for-profit charity . They have been a part of the Meals From The Heart Program at least two times per year ( excluding during COVID-19 lockdowns ) which involves the entire team attending the house in Westmead and cooking for over 60 families and then sharing a meal with them afterwards .
They started their own team incentive during COVID-19 , when they were unable to visit the house due to health concerns , as a team they decided to donate a portion of each sale / commission earned . Following this , the directors announced that they would match every dollar the team donated . Since starting this journey they have raised $ 62,000 for the Ronald McDonald House Westmead ; this does not include any money raised during community fund raising .