The Distant Shore
The light’s sweet grace is no longer here,
Darkness has set in, to be close
and near,
Our goal,
The light from the distant shore,
Our chance,
I may no longer see,
Our final destination.
I go forth into the unknown,
The glory,
Where I may find the world I will
The happiness,
come to know,
The pride.
Dark and mysterious it will always
Our devastation,
Until the lord above, ready and
Our loss,
willing, to hear my plead,
Our broken end.
Hear me! Oh hear me my Lord!
The pain,
Your son calls to you in the night
The suffering,
so cold,
The emptiness.
Help me! Help me oh Lord,
A victory is not a victory to all.
Your son cannot hear you anyOne must lose,
And one must rise.
But the Lord, willing and ready,
One will gain the prize,
has heard your plea my son
While the other one cries.
Stay and be steady, I will carry you
through the darkness,
To the distant shore, where you
will be at peace my son,
Where the darkness, will haunt
you no more.
-Poems by Douglas Haynie