The Eating Awareness Team at St John of God Waipuna
will be running an information night series titled ‘ Food,
Mood and Peaceful living’.
These information sessions are open to people of all age groups and aim to provide education to
individuals who may be suffering from eating difficulties, family and friends of individuals suffering
from an eating difficulty, or other members of the community who may be interested in finding out
more about eating issues.
What is an eating issue?
An eating issue may occur where there is an unhealthy relationship with food, as a result of repetitive
dieting, or where binge eating, purging, laxative abuse or excessive exercise is used to compensate for
overeating, or when an individual refuses to eat. An eating issue can be present in and individual of
any weight.
Topics that will be covered include:
• Relationship between the human body, the mind and how we eat
• The effects of restricted and irregular eating
• The effects of dieting
• Understanding metabolism
• Understanding how our eating patterns affect our energy, mood and desire for food
• Strategies for trying to have a more peaceful relationship with food.
• Alternatives to restricted eating/bingeing, tactics for avoiding bingeing
• Mindful eating
• Nutrition basics
The information sessions will run on Wednesday evenings from 6pm – 7.30pm over three consecutive
weeks, starting 5 April and concluding 19 April 2017.
Cost: Free
Location: 349 Woodham Road, Wainoni, Christchurch
For more information or to register your interest in attending please contact the Eating Awareness
Team at St John of God Waipuna on (03) 386 2159 or email [email protected] Spaces are
limited so please register your interest before attending.
‘The Old School’ is opening soon!
A creative community hub is coming soon to the Central New Brighton School site.
LIKE our brand new Facebook page to keep up to date with news and info about the next stage of this
exciting project, and be in for a chance to WIN a $40 voucher to spend at NB’s Switch Café. The win-
ner will be announced on our page at the end of April.