The Wave Issue 73 | Page 16

Well it ' s official , the Whaka Inaka bales nurtured over 1.5 million eggs during the 2016 spawning season ! Many of these eggs would never have survived if it wasn ' t for the bales . The programme has also helped to pinpoint those areas where long-term restoration of spawning habitat is needed .
Find out more about the results from the Whaka Inaka programme in this wonderful wee report summary - and let us know what you think !
http :// www . eosecology . co . nz / files / Whaka _ Inaka _ 2016 _ Results _ Summary . pdf
The results from Whaka Inaka provide some really good information about the potential for inanga spawning in the Ōpāwaho / Heathcote River catchment . It would be great to see these results feed into action on the ground - plus there are a committed bunch of schools who are keen to protect their " love zones ".
The Whaka Inaka team would like to turn this science project ( with community support ) into a community-led project ( with science support ) so that any community in New Zealand can investigate inanga spawning in their catchment and better understand how to improve their spawning success . They are currently looking for funding to make this happen !
Some of the schools that were involved are looking into adopting a section of the river to look after it into the future , some have taken on an Environmental focus with their class to continue their learning , and some have created special school-wide programmes such as Ōpāwa School ' s ' Friends of the River ' crews who " continue to help keep our riverbanks rubbish free , so the spawning sites can remain in good condition ".
To contact the New Brighton Project
Office Hours 10am-2pm Mon - Fri ( 105 ) 9am-2pm Sat ( Pedestrian Mall )
3889920 0275174250 nbproject @ xtra . co . nz www . newbrightonproject . org . nz 105 Brighton Mall PO Box 18-634 New Brighton
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