The Vitti Fashion Magazine | Page 57

The biggest mistake that aspiring models make is not doing the research. Before you take your first steps into the industry it is vital to establish if you have the potential to be a model and where that potential lies, otherwise you may end up heading down the wrong path, and as a result, wasting time and money. Research the pros and cons of being an agency model or a freelance model or whether you aspire to be a fitness or fashion model. Before you start modelling and attempt to go down either of these avenues, it is important to assess your strengths and weaknesses as an aspiring model.

When working to become a model, it is important to become comfortable and convincing in front of the camera. The key to feeling natural in front of a photographer's lens is practice. If you want to be a model, you probably already know what looks good and what you would like to emulate. Now you simply need to figure out how. Check out some fashion catalogues to find the most popular poses. Pay attention to the tilt of the head, the position of the hands and the turn of the ankle. These little things can make a big difference - just as with facial expressions, your body posture can convey a variety of emotions. Consider taking up activities that teach you how to move your body gracefully. Dancers and gymnasts move well in front of the camera because they know how to create long sweeping lines with their bodies. Both facial expressions and poses can be improved by practising with props, products and wardrobe. The idea is to practise using and reacting to the prop. In fashion shoots, you'll be selling clothes, so practise showing the important features of each item. Show off the pockets, collar and belt or how the garment moves. You need to bring attention to whatever makes the garment interesting.