The Vitti Fashion Magazine | Page 58

Apply and attend as many castings and “go-sees” as possible. For models, a casting or a go see is a job interview, and should be regarded as such. This is where designers, editors, photographers or agencies pick and choose who they want to hire. At these castings, you will be expected to look your best but also to appear somewhat like blank canvases, making it easier for those responsible for casting to imagine you in a variety of looks. Make sure you turn up with an organised portfolio. Your portfolio should be organized and ready to be shown. Don't include outtakes or additional photos in the back that are not meant to be seen. Make sure you are happy with every photo in your book and make sure it is neat and clean. You will usually be asked to fill out a form so know your basic measurements beforehand to ensure you can fill out the form swiftly.

Think of starting a modelling career as if you were starting any business. Don’t be naïve, modelling is a business, and you wouldn’t start any business without taking precautions.

Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Be wary of any agency that asks for money up front. The majority of agencies get their money through commission- meaning they take a certain percentage of your pay for every job that you do. If you don't work, then they don't get paid. If you've already paid up, there's no incentive for them to find you work. Question any claims that you will be found work straight away or that they have supplied people to well-known companies. Ask the agency questions and be suspicious of anyone who can't or won't provide clear answers. Reputable agencies will tell you that the industry is very tough to get into and only a very small number of people have what it takes to succeed. Lots of good-looking and talented people struggle to get enough work.

If you are under the age of 18 and are approached by a photographer/agent who wants to shoot your photos, discuss the offer with a parent or guardian and ensure they given written consent. They should also accompany you at all times during the shoot.

Model releases are mandatory every time your photo is going to be used to make a profit so take time to read each one carefully without hesitation. Photographers/agents should encourage you to read the contract, but if they don’t, be sceptical as it could be a scam. Above all, like any business that requires effort, be persistent, do research and keep a positive attitude.