The Virtuous Daughter Magazine Fall 2016 | Page 17
We don’t want them to be sitting in
water for a long time, we just want
them to get wet, and drain. How often you water depends on what time
of pot you have them in, what kind of
light they are in, and what environment you are in. Don’t water them
unless the soil looks dry. Just watch
your succulents, and see how they
are reacting. If they are shriveling/
drying up around the corners, give
them more water. If they are turning
more yellow/light green, and just
kind of look sickly, give them less water.
The Value of Light
Like I previously said, we try and
mimic the environment the succulents would be receiving in the desert, so naturel sunlight is an essential. They should receive about 4-6
hours of sunlight each day. I have
succulents near a west facing win-
dow and an east facing window, and
both do well. In colder climates, or in
the winter, you may want to put them
in a west facing window, or if you live
in a warm climate, you may want to
keep them in an east facing window.
Too much hot sunlight can scorch
them, and not enough can make
them stretch out. Which is awful.
You can’t fix it. UNLESS you propagate.
Propagating: the fun part.
In my opinion, the most loveable
thing about succulents is propagating. When I started my succulent collection I had one four pack, that had
two succulents and two cacti, and I
also had two other succulent plants. I
now have a total of 29 succulent
plants. I haven’t bought any since I
first started my collection. Like I said,
if your plants don’t get enough
sunlight and they stretch out,