The Virtuous Daughter Magazine Fall 2016 | Page 16
Creating color in life
I absolutely love growing plants.
Especially succulents. And
according to Pinterest, I’m not the
only one. The gorgeous little plants
are so much fun to nurture and
watch grow. So here I am to add
my two bits on doing just that.
(Note: I am not an expert on growing succulents. Everything in this
article is founded on my experience
and from my personal research.)
succulents, our goal is to mimic
their environment as it would be in
a desert, which is where they thrive.
Our tendency is to think “Oh, they’re
from the desert, I should just give
them a little sprinkling of water here
and there and they’ll be good” but
this is not true. When it rains in the
desert, it is not usually a little sprinkling of water- it’s usually more like
a down pour. So our goal is to
Succulents are advertised as easy give the roots a good soaking, yet
to grow and low-maintenance, and let the soil drain and dry before wawhile this may be relatively true, it’s tering again. The best pots to use
are those with drainage holes. Ternot entirely. Let me expound a
ra Cotta pots are perfect. Any other
pot with drainage holes work great
The Problem of Water
as well. Also, the type of soil you
Succulents are plants that retain
use is very helpful. Use a soil creatwater in their leaves and steams,
ed for succulents and cacti, one
so they can live well in dry and sun- that will drain well.
ny climates. They are, in actuality,
a desert plant. So when growing