The Virtuous Daughter Magazine Fall 2016 | Page 15

Photography by Alyssa Miller

there to keep her secrets and to defend her and to build her up to the people around you , and not tell them all her faults . Be her biggest fan . Tell others all her good qualities and talents . Don ’ t gossip about her behind her back .

There is a lot of effort that goes into relationships . Friendships are so , so special and are to be treasured . It is so important to build up your friend in her walk with God and help her reach her goals as a Child of God . Don ’ t let jealousy get between you and your friend . Be happy for her and whatever victories she may be having . Want what is best for her .

I think the beauty of friendships is

knowing that that person is always going to be there for you . And you are always going to be there for her , too . Knowing that there is someone else out there that will dance around her room and squeal when you tell her something great that happened to you . Someone that will cry with you when things go wrong and will call you just to say she ’ s thinking about you and wondering how you are .

Isn ’ t that just beautiful ? So when you find that true friend ( s ), treasure that relationship and put effort into it . It ’ s so worth it .

Now , go and tell your best friend how much she means to you !