The Valley Catholic
in the diocese
May 26, 2015
Time for a New Beginning for Katy Meister
By Liz Sullivan
For every beginning there is an inevitable ending.
For Katy Meister, that ending is about
to happen and a new beginning is about
to start.
Meister is leaving the Diocese of San
Jose and her position as Safe Environment Coordinator to move South to the
Diocese of Fresno as the Safe Environment Manager.
“I am at the point in my life where I
needed a change,” said Meister, whose
last day in San Jose is May 31, of the
promotion. “This is a good move for me,
but a tough move.”
It is a good move for Meister, who
grew up in Fresno, because before applying for her new job, had just bought
a house three doors down from where
her parents live. And she had enrolled
her four children in school there for
next year.
“I have so much family there,” she
said. “We are always spending time
there and my kids wanted to move
there, but it was a hard decision. It took
about two weeks for me to decide.”
As Meister has grown and changed
as a person, so has the position she has
“Teens have mostly a cyber presbecome so identified with. When she beence,” said Meister. “The last five years
gan with the Diocese of San Jose almost
have really seen cyber safety awareness
nine years ago she was just a consultant.
rise. Technology has changed my job. It
“This morphed into a full-time job,”
used to be more sexual predators. People
said Meister. “It brings me a lot of joy to
are aware of the information, but we still
see how far it has come.”
have to educate them. I
As Safe Environment
think we have made a
'We’re doing really
Coordi nator for San
difference with parents.”
Jose, Meister has had a
The Safe Environgood work in San
multi-faceted job. She is
ment Coordinator posiJose. I hope to see
responsible for develoption works out of the
it continue to thrive.
ing safe environment
Office for the Protection
People look at the
curriculum for schools
of Children and Vulner(K-12) and parishes and
able Adults (OPCVA).
Diocese of San Jose
implementing that plan.
as the model of how to Meister’s first supervisor
She works closely with
in San Jose was Deacon
do it because we have Bernie Nojadera. Nothe schools and parishes
been so successful.'
to create a “safe envijadera is now the Executive Director of the
ronment” for children
Secretariat of Child and
and actually everyone.
Youth Protection for the United States
In addition, there is a Diocesan Youth
Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)
Code of Conduct that each youth in
in Washington, D.C.
the Diocese must follow if they want to
“Her knowledge, expertise and relavolunteer for any kind of group.
tionships that she has developed added
Over the course of almost nine years,
to the credibility (of the OPCVA),” said
Meister said she has seen the focus of her
Nojadera. “Being a parent, she was able
job change and sometimes not for the
to effectively teach the children and
better. One of the major threats to safe
relate to their parents.”
environments is cyber safety awareness.
The Diocese of San Jose’s OPCVA
is now headed by Anthony Gonzalez.
Meister was quick to praise him and the
work of the whole department.
“We’re doing really good work in
San Jose,” said Meister. “I hope to see
it continue to thrive. People look at the
Diocese of San Jose as the model of how
to do it because we have been so successful. I want to bring the same kind
of passion I have had for the job here (in
San Jose) and bring it to Fresno. I hope to
have all of our parishes and schools in
100 percent compliance. I want to make
sure we’re protecting our kids.”
Nojadera summed up the feelings
of many when it was announced that
Meister was leaving the Diocese of San
Jose for new challenges.
“I messaged – ‘our loss, their gain,
he said. “In the end though, the Church
wins!’ I am proud to have known Katy
and am grateful for her continued work
in helping to protect our children.”
For more information regarding
The Office for the Protection of Children & Vulnerable Adults please visit
Support the Collection for the
Catholic Communication Campaign
June 6 and 7, 2015 in your local parish
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops established the Catholic
Communication Campaign (CCC) collection in 1979 to respond to the national and
local communications needs of the Church.
During the weekend of June 6 and 7, parishes in the Diocese of San Jose will take
up this Collection, which supports projects throughout the world that evangelize
through the use of media.
Half of the proceeds from this Collection stay here in the Diocese of San Jose
to support our local communication efforts, such as The Valley Catholic diocesan
newspaper and website, diocesan website and social media. The success of your
generous contribution last year helped provide additional services and support to:
Partner with the Office of Evangelization’s “The Light is On for You”
Lenten initiative, including development of logo, VTA bus ads in
Santa Clara County, and social media ads
Introduction of official Diocesan Instagram channel (@diocesesanjose)
to extend reach to audiences of Catholic faithful and faith-curious
Graphic design services for all major Diocesan campaigns through
the Diocese’s Office of Communications
Design and development of select parish websites and ongoing
training for parish webmasters
On the national level, CCC funds the development and production of a wide range of
media initiatives that are carried out by USCCB staff and other grantee organizations.
A portion of the CCC’s national funds are also set aside for grants to aid Catholic
communication efforts in developing nations. The