The University of Hull New staff members welcome brochure 2013 | Page 12
New Starters Welcome Guide
Employee wellbeing and lifestyle
Faith and religion
Occupational health
The University offers support to staff
via an independent and confidential
counselling service. Focus Counselling is
a Hull-based company with facilities in
Scarborough. Counsellors are qualified
and trained and offer a wide range of
experience and expertise.
The University is served by a team of
full- and part-time chaplains whose
work centres around the chapel in
the basement of Middleton Hall.
The chaplains serve a range of
denominational groups, including
Anglican, Baptist, Jewish (reform),
Methodist, Roman Catholic, Buddist,
Islamic and United Reformed Church. In
addition, there are various student-led
groups, including the Catholic Society,
the Islamic Society, the Jewish Society
and the Chinese Christian Followship.
Further details can be found on the
University website at
We offer an occupational health service
to all University staff. The Occupational
Health Service may be involved where
work impacts on health or where health
impacts on work.
To access the service, you should speak
to your line manager or Human Resources
Adviser (or both) in the first instance.
The Occupational Health Unit is located
in Raines House, 187 Cottingham Road,
Disability support
The University provides a service for staff
with a disability who require workplace
This is available to any member of staff
needing information and advice on
disability issues relating to employment
and to disa