An Inspiring Story in
Fashion Industry: Gucci
If you are thinking of a fashion startup, you surely
can't miss out on Gucci. One of the most popular
brands with an elegant yet simplis c logo had very
humble beginning
Even though the majority of Gucci's clients were
horseback riders to whom he sold accessories, it
didn't take long for the news of his quality leather
goods to spread all around Europe.
Within a few short years the Gucci store was
a rac ng the a en on of interna onal travelers
seeking fine Italian leather goods such as gloves,
shoes and belts.
Gucci was founded by Guccio Gucci in the early
1920's in a small shop in Florence. Born in
Florence Italy in 1881 to a father who was a
leather cra sman himself, Guccio took interest at
a very young age in the cra smanship of fine
leather goods.
As a young man Gucci spent me in London where
he worked at the Savoy Hotel as a dishwasher and
Working at the high end hotel he came into
contact with many wealthy customers. He could
tell their clothing and especially their luggage was
made of high quality materials which he admired.
During the me he spent in London, he took a
great liking to the sophis ca on and fashion
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