The UnEmployables 3 | Seite 4

Challenges faced by Fashion startups 1) Customer Connec on This is the biggest problem faced by fashion startups these days. Fashion by its very name is ever changing and ever evolving – and so are their customers' demands. To keep up with the demand is a very crucial step for a fashion startup. You cannot have a design or layout that customers feel redundant. Your outlet - be it online or offline needs to add “new” and “trendy” to your a ributes. Your store must look cool to your customers and not just to you. Tip: Try doing a survey with people within your target group and implement feedback. 2) Quality and Price Balance When it comes to fashion, quality is more important than price and yet if your prices are exorbitantly high, no one will try your brand even it is of finest quality. The fabric, the s tches – all the minute details that go into your products should be of high quality yet rightly priced. Tip: If your products are priced higher than compe tor brands, they will find tough me selling. Try undercu ng them by say 10%. 3) Selec ons Say, you want to launch a t-shirt brand and you get a manufacturer who is ready to produce t-shirts for you. Now you cannot just launch one single color or one single design and build a brand right? You will have to launch an array of products with different permuta ons and combina ons of designs and colors. This can some mes be a huge investment. For example, If one t-shirt design costs 250 Rs. and say you need 100 stocks to begin with. You will end up spending 25,000 Rs. per design. Considering you want 20 designs. You will end up spending 5 Lakhs merely for launch without even star ng to make profits. 4 Tip: Try to get very low trial quan es and sell them out. If they do well, then get bulk prin ng done. Your trial lot can cause you losses but it is be er to absorb them before inves ng in bulk. 4) Staff Management This is a crucial problem in most fashion brands startups. There is li le at stake for the staff and the industry thus sees a high a ri on ra o. Managing the staff and maintaining their moral is crucial. Tip: Try keeping reliable staff and frequently make them feel important part of the startup. 5) Buying Terms This is not a problem but more of an awareness issue. There are numerous buying clauses you can have with your manufacturer before you close on the product. The most important one is Return and warranty policy in case of defects and damages from manufacturing end. Typically your vendor will provide you one year warranty for apparels and footwear. Do nego ate for one.